Tag: Marketing / Business



    Affiliate marketing sites require a lot of work to get going, but there are some loopholes to be exploited in the whole search-engine-ranking race. It’s tough to rank on search engines because you are going up against well-funded sites with years of experience. It may be impossible to ever upset the giants who rule the first page of Google, but you can drive traffic to your offers through a polling site instead. For example, if you want to promote a weight loss offer, you’ll find there are a zillion weight loss websites out there, some of them with years of presence on the web. You can attract an audience with an outrageous poll instead, and then send them to your offer as a thank you for giving their opinion on your poll.

    How do polling sites work? You’ll need to secure a domain name, of course. Fill the polling site with content about what topics you’ll poll; you’ll need at least ten pages of legitimate content to avoid penalties from Google. Write up a weekly poll, and attach your broad-audience-appeal offer as the thank you for taking the poll. The offer doesn’t have to relate to the poll at all, which is how you get around all those specialty sites catering to the niche markets. To avoid looking like a scam site, you have to add good content to every poll, available to anyone.

    If you hire a professional to write your polls and content, all you’ll have to do is set up the site and post their content. You’ll see what offers convert without having to fight your way through the Google ranking jungle of niche markets!


    @@AMAZONWIDGET;business marketing;1000@@.


    When it comes to your job, you never want to feel like you are sucking up to your boss, but it is also important to impress them. After all, your boss is usually the one who provides you with raises and promotions, and it is important to have them on your side. And in fact, the best way to impress your boss it to not suck up at all, but rather, to be absolutely genuine. Of course, part of this “being genuine” is that there must be certain aspects of yourself and your work that you are conveying.

    One of the first steps to impressing your boss is to be working at a job that you genuinely enjoy, in order for these other steps to be made easier. And you can set goals in your job if you happen to work at a job that you do not truly enjoy. You will have something specific to work toward in your job is you set goals, and this will have the effect of making your job more enjoyable.

    @@CBTEXT;TRAINING7;Building And Promoting Respect In The Workplace@@!

    It will become much easier for you to start showing up to work earlier than you have to as you work this job you enjoy or work toward these goals you have set. Of course, you do not need to show up early (or leave late) every day, but you should always try to go over and above. In this way, you will be able to set yourself over and above all the other people you work with!

    When it comes to impressing your boss, pay attention to one of the aspects that many people miss: actually listening to your boss when they talk to you. While you are at work, it often becomes easy to start to zone out the things other people are saying. If you make sure you are always making eye contact with your boss when they talk to you, it will make it much easier to absorb everything they say.

    You will notice that most of the aspects that apply to impressing your boss stem from simply doing your job well; as you do your job well, the benefits will follow, as your boss will like you more and more!


    You probably realize that – when it comes to promoting your business – one of the best promotional tools is the internet. But while this seems like a simple assertion on the surface, the internet is a broad thing, and it can be difficult to know which aspects of it to use! While such areas as Twitter, facebook, and YouTube seem like no-brainers, there are a few online destinations that are not so cut-and-dry. One of these places is Tumblr – which is an extremely popular blogsite, but which is nevertheless one that people talk about less frequently than they talk about the others. And so, any business looking to branch out into new advertising areas must naturally ask, “Is Tumblr a good place for me to get involved?”

    To answer this question, you have to look at two different things: firstly, you have to look at what you sell; secondly, you have to determine how flexible your marketing approach is.

    @@CBTEXT;CASTLEGATE;Learn how to flawlessly advertise online@@!

    Tumbler – more than any other social media platform – is known for being largely “non-corporate,” as its users tend to fall outside the mainstream. So even though Tumblr has a vast number of users, it might not be the best place for you if your product is considered “corporate.” On the other hand – if your product is considered to be “non-corporate” – Tumblr can certainly be a great place for you to get involved! Or – to take things even one step further – you can do great on Tumbler even if you are “corporate,” as long as you can give your product or service a “non-corporate” feel. And of course, this is where that second consideration – how flexible you can be with your marketing approach – comes into play.

    Of course, anyone in the world of business knows that “profit” is at the bottom line of any service or product a company offers or sells. But if you can give your company a non-corporate feel – marketing yourself using outside-the-box techniques – you will definitely be able to use Tumbler to your advantage!

    As many businesses have still not figured out how to use Tumblr effectively, you can find that you are getting a big head start over your competitors if you establish a presence on Tumblr before the get a chance to!
