Tag: Marketing / Business


    There are many problems that small business owners run into. Every line of business across the spectrum deal with the same issues as a general rule of thumb. Hiring trustworthy and hard working staff members is one of the top issues. Since it is so hard to find people of this quality, it can often mean that the owner themselves work much more than they imagined. This leads to the work-life balance being completely ruined for them.

    @@AMAZONTEXT;0977778509;How to Succeed as a Small Business Owner and Still Have a Life@@.

    If you intend on improving your particular work and personal life balance you should read How to Succeed as a Small Business Owner and Still Have a Life. Success in your business really won’t bring you any joy if there is no way for you to spend time away with your family. Enhancing the enjoyment in your personal life should be the result of your small business and not to make it worse. The intention of this book by Bill Collier was to provide guidance on a small business that can thrive without the owner being around.

    Running a successful business while enjoying time away from it will only be possible with a staff that is the major tool of your business. A staff that is at the center of a business plan is the focus that Collier presents and develops. Providing values to work by is probably the best way you can make sure your staff is successful. If you instill values in them that they believe in, this will help to guide them even when you can’t be there with them. This is the final goal any small business owner should have.

    Collier writes 20 chapters that center around goals. He will guide you on setting these goals, planning accordingly to help achieve them, and to execute the plans you come up with. A great base for success is the result of this three step process he lays out. A measurement of success will be taken once you can find out how well your business runs without you needing to be there. After some time you won’t be constantly worrying when you are away from it.


    If the idea of getting started with online investing has been rolling around in your head, you might be a seasoned investor trying something new, or you might be a new investor wading into the waters of the stock market for the very first time. Regardless of which of these two categories you fall into, the place where you will start with your online investing is likely to be the same – and if you follow this guide, you will need to know the steps you will have to take to get going with online investing!

    There are plenty of different online investing brokerages to choose from, and you will need to compare all of these – looking at the commissions they charge, the tools they offer, and the reviews they have had from customers – to find which of these you feel most comfortable with. Generally speaking, you will find more in the way of investing tools and expert advice when you use a service that has a higher commission, but there are actually a few that are among the most highly-rated and have among the lowest commissions!

    Once you have selected the brokerage firm you want to use for your investing, you will then need to fill out an application on their website. This application will be your basic information, and should be a simple process.

    @@CBTEXT;APFLEARN;Global Investment Strategies@@!

    Once you take these steps, you will be ready to decide how much you want to start out with for your initial wave of investing; each of these brokerages will have a different minimum that you must invest, but you will be in the best shape if you use more than this minimum.

    Finally, it will be time to start researching – which is the most important step of all when it comes to investing, as you are unlikely to be successful with your investing if you have not done your research. And of course, along with the research comes the investing – and if you invest well, it will also be time to enjoy your profits!




    A lot of people think that working from home would be something like a dream, but if you have ever worked from home yourself, you understand that it is not always everything that people imagine it to be – and one of the toughest things of al about working from home is that it can sometimes be extremely difficult to focus! Many people find that the best way to focus when they have been having a hard time is to change their work location; by simply switching from “home” to “away from home,” they are able to kick their focus back into gear and get a lot more accomplished.

    It is not always easy to find a place away from home that is conducive to work, especially if you need internet in order to do your work, but one of the best places is such restaurants as Panera Bread or Atlanta Bread; these places usually offer a quiet atmosphere, free internet, bottomless coffee, and excellent food!

    Most coffee shops also give you what you need in the way of internet and coffee – but if you are going to visit a coffee shop, realize that your best bet will probably be to go to a quiet, local coffee shop, as these tend to be less busy (and more conducive to work) than chain coffee shops.

    @@CBTEXT;IWKHOMES;The Proven Guide To Finding Out How To Work From Home@@

    And one place that people tend to forget about – but that offers one of the best work environments of all – is your local library; “quiet” is the rule when it comes to libraries, and this means that a visit to the library can often give you everything you need in the way of a peaceful, quiet work environment, while also giving you free internet and a lot of comfortable places to sit.

    Of course, working from home is definitely a great way to make money – but when you hit one of those points where “working from home” is not nearly as wonderful as so many people imagine it to be, you can keep these places in mind as “escape hatches” where you can go to keep on working.