Category: What’s Up!


    As we look forward to the 2012 elections, regardless of political affiliation, we should vote for a President, Senator and Representative who can best serve the interests and needs of the American people including resolving our economic situation and creating jobs.  Based on the facts noted in Part I of this posting and the history of Democratic President fiscal responsibility, leadership and unprecedented job creation, it is obvious to me that the Democratic Party including its President can best serve the American people and get this country back on track the way Franklin Roosevelt and Bill Clinton did.

    If we elect a Republican President and the Republicans control the Congress in 2012, in addition to implementing Tea Party influenced initiatives, here are a few of the major initiatives they will implement and a Republican President will support:

    • Legislation to abolish the Health Care Law that provides coverage to 32 million Americans, removes pre-existing condition restrictions, allows students to remain on parents policy until they are 26, saves Medicare 418 Billion by 2019 and much more;
    • Legislation  to undermine our ability to provide a healthier environment for our children, eliminating every tool EPA has to address serious public health threats from carbon pollution, including increased childhood asthma;
    • Continued  taxpayer subsidies for big oil companies and speculators;
    • Approving additional tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires, protect tax breaks for corporations that ship jobs overseas  and continue to supplement big oil companies;
    • Eliminating federal funding for Planned Parenthood devastating the primary source of health care, especially preventive services like contraception, cancer screenings, breast exams, and HIV testing, for millions of women;
    • Conducting an unprecedented, radical assault on women’s health care restricting, for the first time, how women with private insurance can spend private dollars in purchasing health insurance;
    • Passing the Paul Ryan Budget Bill that will kill Medicare the way we know it and  increase the National debt in five years to $16 trillion dollars;
    • Crippling public radio stations, particularly in rural areas, while not saving taxpayers one dime; and
    • Compromising National Security by provoking a war with Iran.

    If, however, the Democrats control Congress with its President in 2012, here are a few major initiatives that the President and his party will continue or implement:

    •  End tax loopholes that let corporations hide profits overseas, and investing those dollars in small businesses that create jobs in America;
    • Provide tax cuts to small businesses and expanding lending so that businesses can create new jobs;
    • Invest in a clean-energy economy, and providing tax credits to spark manufacturing of windmills, solar panels, and electric cars here at home;
    • Pass infrastructure legislation that will put Americans to work rebuilding roads, bridges, rails, and ports, strengthening our economy and our infrastructure across all 50 states;
    • Extend unemployment benefits as necessary;
    • Pass major infrastructure legislation to put millions of people back to work;
    • Abolish the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy;
    • Reform Wall Street through the United States Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to prevent another melt-down;
    • Eliminate subsidies for big oil companies;
    • Close Guantanamo Bay; and
    • Bring American military personnel home from Afghanistan.

    The 2012 elections are all about choice and the current Republican Presidential candidates have given us a glimpse of their radical agenda.  Do we choose to endorse new Tea Party controlled initiatives that will undoubtedly set our country back at least 50 years, virtually eliminate the middle-class while ensuring another economic meltdown, or do we choose to continue the current course under President Obama and the Democrats that will restore our economic sanity, as well as continue to enhance America’s National security (remember, it was the Obama Administration that captured Bin Laden)?

    As noted in a previous blog, thirty-eight (38) states with Republican majority legislatures have  introduced legislation to impede democratic voters.  More than 10 percent of U.S. citizens lack the required state identification resulting from this drastic legislation and the numbers are even higher among constituencies that traditionally vote Democratic including 18 percent of young voters and 25 percent of African-Americans.  Republicans are terrified that there will be a repeat of the landslide Democratic victory that occurred in 2008 and that’s the reason they are using every radical trick to prevent that from happening.  It is projected that billions of dollars will be spent by right-wing billionaire groups to purchase a Republican election.

    To prohibit continued Republican obstructionism in Congress and overcome the unprecedented state voter registration laws enacted by Republicans, if you are in agreement, President Obama needs our help to guarantee Democratic majorities in Congress as well as his reelection.  We need to make sure that our friends, neighbors, family and others understand the seriousness of the 2012 elections and the necessity of an overwhelming voter turnout. The future economic stability and National Security interests of the United States of America is in our hands in 2012, how will we respond?

    Feel free to distribute all or any part of this blog posting as may be appropriate.

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    Getting the name of your business out there so that it becomes familiar to people is one of the greatest struggles a small business owner faces. Of course, one of the best ways to get your name out there is to devise strategies for other people to get your name out there for you. And running contests is the best way to get others to start spreading the word!

    When you run a contest, it becomes a lot like you are delegating the task of advertising to others, especially when you are able to structure a contest in such a way that people are encouraged to participate and are encouraged to spread the word about the contest as well. But before you can actually structure a contest that will entice people and encourage them to spread the word, you need to understand exactly what entices people and encourages them to spread the word!

    @@AMAZONWIDGET;small business;599872@@.

    When it comes to getting people to participate in a contest and to spread the word about it, the biggest thing is offering the winner of the contest something that people will actually want! You cannot have something as simple as “a free pizza” if you run a pizza parlor. The bigger the prize, the greater the lengths people will go to in order to try to win it, which means you need to branch out a bit. Rather than thinking about it as “money out of your pocket,” you should think of it as “advertising money.”

    You also need to enable people to participate in the contest easily; make sure that the contest is structured in such a way that participation is easy. And if participation is easy, it also has to be easy in such a way that the word about the contest is automatically spread when someone participates!

    @@AMAZONWIDGET;small business;1000@@.

    If you remain small minded about your small business, you will prevent yourself from growing, and will therefore put yourself in danger of disappearing. Instead, you should begin to branch out there with your ideas as much as you can; one of the best ways to do this is to run contests that allow others to spread the word for you!



    It is not any fun to make a mistake at work, but if you are at work as often as most people are, mistakes are often inevitable whether you want to make them or not – and while mistakes at work can certainly be a source of frustration, they can also be turned into a positive; by simply understanding a few small things you should do when you make a mistake at work, you can make these mistakes a lot less terrible!

    Before you do anything to try to turn the mistake into a positive for yourself, you should take whatever steps you can to correct the mistake; a lot of people will make a mistake at work, get upset about it, and then try to figure out how they can do better next time, but they miss the all-important step in the middle of figuring out what they can do to clean up the mess created by the mistake!

    Once you have taken whatever steps you can to clean up the mistake itself, it will be time to start turning the mistake into a positive as best you can, and the first step to this is identifying what caused the mistake in the first place; once you have a clear picture of what caused the mistake to occur, you will be better equipped to avoid the mistake next time around.


    And lastly, become aware of the fact that you may have to “face the music” as a result of your mistake, and when this happens, it is easy to make excuses or to shift blame elsewhere, but instead of doing these things, get in the habit of taking whatever correction you must take, then move on from the mistake – proving with your actions and with your performance that you have turned things around!

    As much as you may work to do a perfect job when you are at work, it is inevitable that you will make a mistake at one point or another – and regardless of whether the mistake is major or minor, you can keep these tips in mind to know how to turn it into a positive when it occurs!
