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    Recent polls show that Newton Leroy “Newt” Gingrich has soared ahead of previous front runner, Herman Cain, in the race for the Republican presidential nomination.  Cain’s “awkward” performance in interviews especially concerning his absolute lack of knowledge about Libya, has gone from arrogance to ignorance.  With the additional sexual harassment claims against him, Cain is probably finished as a presidential and vice presidential candidate.  Although many of the Republican presidential candidates come with some baggage, will Newt become the “chosen one” instead of Romney?  Frankly, I don’t think so.

    On March 3, 2011, Gingrich officially announced a website entitled “Newt Exploratory 2012” of a potential presidential run.  On May 11, 2011, Gingrich officially announced his intention to seek the GOP nomination in 2012.  However, on June 9, 2011, many of Gingrich’s senior campaign aides quit leading to concerns about the viability of his presidential run.  On June 21, 2011, two additional aides left but Gingrich stated that he had no intention to quit the race for the Republican nomination.  So, even Gingrich’s staffers questioned his viability as a presidential candidate.  But what about the personal image he projects as a presidential candidate?

    Gingrich has been married three times.  In 1962, when he was 19, he married 26 year old Jackie Battley.  In the spring of 1980, Gingrich left Battley after having an affair with Marianne Ginther.  Six months after the divorce from Battley, Gingrich married Ginther in 1981.  In the 1990s, Gingrich began an affair with Callista Bisek, a very young staffer in the House of Representatives. They continued their affair during the Lewinsky scandal when Gingrich became a leader of the Republican investigation of President Clinton for perjury and obstruction of justice in connection with his alleged affair.  In 2000, Gingrich married Bisek shortly after his divorce from Ginther and they are currently together, at least for now.  So his history of marital infidelity will undoubtedly be further exposed and may not set well with many women voters.

    Gingrich also has a history of flip-flops.  For example:

    Health-Insurance Mandate:

    • Flip: “Personal responsibility extends to the purchase of health insurance. Citizens should not be able to cheat their neighbors by not buying insurance, particularly when they can afford it, and expect others to pay for their care when they need it.” — June 2007
    • Flop: “I am against any effort to impose a federal mandate on anyone because it is fundamentally wrong and I believe unconstitutional.” — May 16, 2011


    • Flip: “I think if you have mandatory carbon caps combined with a trading system, much like we did with sulfur, and if you have a tax-incentive program for investing in the solutions, that there’s a package there that’s very, very good. And frankly, it’s something I would strongly support.” — February 2007
    • Flop: “A carbon cap and trade system … would lead to corruption, political favoritism, and would have a huge impact on the economy.” — April 21, 2008

    Climate Change:

    • Flip: “I think is that the evidence is sufficient that we should move towards the most effective possible steps to reduce carbon-loading of the atmosphere.” — April 10, 2007
    • Flop: “I actually don’t know whether global warming is occurring.” — November 8, 2011


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    There are many problems that small business owners run into. Every line of business across the spectrum deal with the same issues as a general rule of thumb. Hiring trustworthy and hard working staff members is one of the top issues. Since it is so hard to find people of this quality, it can often mean that the owner themselves work much more than they imagined. This leads to the work-life balance being completely ruined for them.

    @@AMAZONTEXT;0977778509;How to Succeed as a Small Business Owner and Still Have a Life@@.

    If you intend on improving your particular work and personal life balance you should read How to Succeed as a Small Business Owner and Still Have a Life. Success in your business really won’t bring you any joy if there is no way for you to spend time away with your family. Enhancing the enjoyment in your personal life should be the result of your small business and not to make it worse. The intention of this book by Bill Collier was to provide guidance on a small business that can thrive without the owner being around.

    Running a successful business while enjoying time away from it will only be possible with a staff that is the major tool of your business. A staff that is at the center of a business plan is the focus that Collier presents and develops. Providing values to work by is probably the best way you can make sure your staff is successful. If you instill values in them that they believe in, this will help to guide them even when you can’t be there with them. This is the final goal any small business owner should have.

    Collier writes 20 chapters that center around goals. He will guide you on setting these goals, planning accordingly to help achieve them, and to execute the plans you come up with. A great base for success is the result of this three step process he lays out. A measurement of success will be taken once you can find out how well your business runs without you needing to be there. After some time you won’t be constantly worrying when you are away from it.


    Most people follow one religion for their entire lifetime, that being the religion they were born into, preselected for them by their parents. For most people it is easy to stay in this religion simply out of comfort and never having to question it. However in a world with multiple religious choices, the odds are stacked against the fact that we would be born into the right one for us.

    How can anyone of us state with 100% conviction that our religion is right and true until we have honestly explored other religious options? As such there are some clear pros and cons on changing religions.

    Fear of being wrong. Many religions use fear as a way of controlling people. Because of their fear many people are scared of looking into alternatives. Additionally as this fear still grips people it tricks them to coming back to their original religion, thus any change is made harder.

    Loss of friends. Under pressure, people are often told they cannot be friends with people who have left their church or religion. Thus a person who leaves a religion may find themselves suddenly without those people they thought were their friends.
    Hard to find a spiritual leader. In some areas a person may not be able to find help in pursuing the religion they now wish to follow. This is very true in places were a particular religion has had a strong hold for many years.

    Bashing. As much as many religions claim to be tolerant of others, few actually are. Most of the time when people of your new religion find out what your old religion was, they will make fun of it and of other followers within it. This may be hard for a new convert to understand, especially if they still have family in the other religion.

    Changing religions can be very empowering. Most religions try to do everything they can to keep people from leaving, thus leaving so can be very spiritually and emotionally freeing.
    A sign of intelligence. A dumb being follows what they are told is true, never questioning it. A smart one is willing to take a risk that they are not being given all their options and takes the matter into their own hands.

    Well rounded. It is easy to judge another religion before somebody has lived it. By experiencing another religion a person becomes more rounded and gains a deeper understanding, of both religions, as a result.

    Playing the odds. Although since childhood most people are taught their own religion is the right one, chances are it is not. By experiencing other religions a person may get a real feel for what is right and what is wrong. Eventually they can make a more educated guess as to which one they feel is the best.

    Honesty. Many people are viewed as hypocrites when they claim to be of one religion but do not follow it fully and completely. Rather than being a person who only follows some rules it may be morally better to find a religion whose rules are better suited to a persons actual lifestyle.

    Ultimate Fulfillment. The best and most rewarding reason for leaving one religion to explore an other is for personal fulfillment. Why should a person stay in a religion that is not satisfying to them as a whole being when there are so many other religions to pick from? Why should a person stay in a religion that has had its grasp on them all their life and not seek out other opportunities to learn and grow?