Tag: Marketing / Business


    With the current, depressed state of the economy (which means that jobs, of course, a bit more difficult to land), one of the most valuable bits of knowledge anyone can have is a thorough understanding of exactly what they can do in a job interview to answer questions in what will be deemed an effective manner – and while each interviewer will have a unique perspective on exactly what the “right” answers are during a job interview, there are a few things anyone can keep in mind – for any sort of interview – that will help them a great deal.

    The first step to unraveling the mystery of “what an interviewer wants to hear” is knowing the sorts of questions you are likely to be asked; although you may not go into the interview knowing exactly what the interviewer will want to hear, you can at least go in knowing that they do not want to hear a succession of “ummmm” and “welllll” and “you know, uh, hmmm” – and when you know the questions you are likely to hear, you will be much better equipped to avoid all these “filler words.”

    @@CBTEXT;INTERVIEW;Check out the ultimate guide to job interview questions and answers@@!

    Having confidence and “being yourself” is often more important than “answering questions correctly” in a job interview, as an interviewer will want to feel comfortable in the knowledge that the person they are interviewing (and thinking about hiring!) is able to feel comfortable in a high-pressure situation, operating confidently, so go into the interview with your head held high and your wits about you.

    And finally, realize that study and practice will put you in a good position when it comes time for the real thing. It might seem silly to sit around and “practice” your job interview, but by equipping yourself with a list of the questions you are likely to hear, you will be able to practice answering these questions naturally and confidently, and this practice and preparation will pay off big-time in the long run!


    More than likely, you are fully aware of the fact that people tend to spend more money during Christmas than they do at any other time of year, and if you are running a business, one thing you will want to do is figure out how you can maximize this opportunity for yourself; of course, while this seems simple in theory, you also need to realize that every other company is likely thinking the exact same thing, and your goal will need to be figuring out how you can attract customers your way even better than those other companies are!

    One thing to consider for getting people into your store for Christmas is giveaways and contests, but the main thing you need to realize about running giveaways and contests is that the Internet is your best friend; rather than running a contest in your store, come up with a contest that you can run using facebook and Twitter, and incentivize spreading the word, as you will be able to simply set up the contest and then allow others to spread the word for you!


    Having a Christmas blowout sale is one thing that a lot of companies will be doing, and while this is certainly a great idea to consider yourself, there are a few specifics you will want to keep in mind in order to maximize these efforts: firstly, you will want to have the sale over a short period of time rather than stretching it out over weeks, secondly, you will want to advertise aggressively so that people know you are having the sale, and thirdly, you will want to make sure you are discounting items people will actually want, as this is more likely to drive crowds your way!


    And sometimes, working with another store is one of the best ways to boost your sales during Christmas. One idea for doing this is providing advertising space for each other in your own store, or even coming up with some sort of promotion – such as “a receipt from one store gets you 5% off your next purchase at the other” – as this will stir up additional business for both of you!


    It is probably extremely important to you that you do a good job while at work – but at the same time, you must realize that no matter how hard you try, there will still be times when you will make a mistake at work. Of course, there are some bosses who tend to be very understanding of the mistakes their employees make, tending to see the mistake in the light of all the good things these employees do – but if you are not so fortunate as to have a boss like this, here are a few things for you to make sure you keep in mind when it comes to mistakes in the workplace.

    Admit it: Lots of employees make the mistake of refusing to own up to the mistakes they make at work, but for yourself, realize that the worst thing you can do when you make a mistake is to ignore it, or to try and cover it up, while the best thing you can do is admit to the mistake and move on.


    Listen: If you have a tough boss, there is a good chance that this boss will want to give you “a stern talking-to” after you have made a mistake, and while this can be frustrating if you have already admitted to the mistake, the best thing you can do is to listen to them, and to not talk back or try to justify the mistake.

    Work hard: And you will often find that some hard work will make up for mistakes made at your job; when you have made a mistake at work, you will go a long way toward rectifying the mistake if you are willing to work hard until the ramifications of the mistake are all cleared up.

    Even when you are making sure that you are giving your job your best effort, and are doing all that you can in order to ensure you do not make any big mistakes, realize that there are times when mistakes are inevitable – and when you encounter such an instance, these tips will help you get back on the right track.
