Tag: Marketing / Business


    People use YouTube in a number of ways; some people use it to get famous, some people use it just for fun, and some people use it for their business. Regardless of the way you yourself are using YouTube, it is not a very helpful tool if you are posting videos that do not get any hits. It is important that you figure out how to get hits on your videos – especially if you are using YouTube to promote your business!

    Of course, if you want your YouTube video to get hits, it has to be something that people will want to share with others. This is the magic of YouTube – the fact that a video can be posted only once, but that other people can spread it around until it has been seen all over. One of the keys to making videos that people will spread around is making videos that are actually relevant. This does not meant that you need to be inauthentic or “hip” in some way in your videos; it just means your videos need to be something people care about! If you run a business, this “something people care about” can be as simple as a promotion or a message to your customers.


    Of course, it certainly will not hurt for your video to be funny – after all, funny videos get spread around much more quickly! Short videos also tend to do better than long ones – and even though this can be difficult to stick to, it is also important. Short videos are much easier to watch, and with them it is much easier to leave your viewers wanting more. Viewers are much more likely to want to watch a video again and again if you leave them wanting more, which is why this is another one of the big keys.

    The emergence of YouTube has been a huge benefit to those companies who have figured out how to employe it in an effective manner. And you will be well on your way to employing YouTube in an effective manner yourself, once you begin to follow these tips.


    An understanding of the stock market is one of the most vital components to increasing your wealth, as you will have a hard time getting the most out of the stock market if you do not understand it – but while many people make an effort to understand the stock market by reading books and studying up on the nuances of the way the stock market works, they fail to ever gain the basic, foundational knowledge they will need in the long run in order to achieve stock market success. And while making money in the stock market – that is, owning stocks that will do well – is not quite “as easy as one-two-three,” it is actually a lot easier than a lot of people realize or think, as long as you know some things that you should always keep in mind!

    In reading and studying how the stock market works, one of the biggest mistakes people make is that they start investing and start studying at the same time; not only should you spend plenty of time studying a particular stock before you ever commit to adding it to your portfolio, but you should also spend plenty of time studying investing principles in general before you ever enter into the stock market.

    The next thing you should spend time on, after you have taken the time to study and understand the stock market and the stocks you hope to purchase, is practice; there are tools on many websites that allow you to use “practice money” (that is, a theoretical account, with a theoretical amount of money) in order to practice – which gives you the opportunity to make real decisions, with real stocks, without risking any real money.

    @@CBTEXT;TJM2010;Learn more about investing through the guide Stock Investing For Beginners@@!

    And as you practice (and of course, as you move into actually purchasing stocks), the main thing you will want to watch for is that you are always buying stocks when they are primed to go up – when everyone else is undervaluing them – rather than when the stock is at its peak and everyone else is rushing out to buy it!



    You begin to realize that opportunities to make money exist in great abundance, as soon as you get in the habit of looking for these opportunities. And when it comes to finding one of the biggest, easiest, and most profitable ways to make some extra money, nothing beats selling items online! And even though you probably do not have piles of useful used items spread all throughout your house, you can easily find such items for sale. As you begin to visit garage sales and yard sales, you will find that lots of people sell useful items for “get rid of it” prices – items you can sell for more on eBay!

    When it comes to shopping at garage sales to make some extra money, the first key is to start with a small-scale operation. Your eBay seller rating is important, so if you start out selling a lot of little items, you will be able to build a solid eBay seller rating early on. You should only need to make one, small investment into your foray into eBay; this should be a small investment, and the money will be paid back to you over time, after which you will continue to reinvest your profits. Start with about $50, buying lots of smaller items; you can double or triple this money, pay your investment back to yourself, and then use only this money for your garage sale shopping from that point forward!


    You can start to look for items that you will be able to sell at a higher price once you have established a good seller rating and built up a little reservoir of money. The biggest key here is research; just because you might think something will sell for a high price does not mean it will! Even before you head out there to shop at garage sales, you should know what you are looking for; in this way, you can be proactive instead of reactive.

    Finding items that others want and making these items available for auction is really all there is to making money on eBay. Once you get into a good groove of finding the items people want, your initial investment can start to seriously grow!
