Category: What’s Up!


    On September 8, 2011, the President unveiled the American Jobs Act consisting of both Democrat and Republican ideas.  The purpose of the American Jobs Act is to put more people back to work, put more money in the pockets of working Americans, and without adding to the deficit.  However, forty-six Republicans joined with two Democrats to filibuster the President’s plan.  Although Senators have every right not to support a piece of legislation, to refuse to allow a Bill to come before the body for debate is unconscionable.  Based on previous Republican obstruction tactics, the vote on the President’s 447 billion jobs package was expected to fail.  Consequently, the White House and Senate Democratic  leaders were already considering alternative ways to address the 9.1 percent unemployment including breaking the legislation into smaller.

    For the second time, all Senate Republicans voted to block “jobs” legislation.  The first measure, a piece of President Obama’s larger jobs package, failed in a 50-50 vote after two Democrats and Independent Senator Joe Lieberman joined Senate Republicans in voting against moving to the measure to the floor.  Democrats Ben Nelson and Mark Pryor also sided with Republicans.“For the second time in two weeks, every single Republican in the United States Senate has chosen to obstruct a bill that would create jobs and get our economy going again,” Obama said in a statement released after the vote. “That’s unacceptable.”  The $35 billion Democratic measure was designed to prevent layoffs of teachers, police officers and firefighters in cash-strapped states. Most of the funding, $30 billion, would have gone to saving teaching jobs with the rest of the money directed to first-responders.  The most “controversial” element of the bill was a plan to pay for it by raising taxes by 0.5 percent on incomes over $1 million. Republicans argue that it would put more pressure on small businesses that are already having difficulty maintaining cash flow because of the tight credit market, a point that has never been substantiated.  “This is a proposal to raise taxes on 300,000 business owners in order to send money down to states so they don’t have to lay off state employees,” McConnell said at a recent press conference.

    Since introducing the American Jobs Bill, the American people have rallied around President Obama’s call for Congress to pass his plan. In early September, 43% if the American people supported the Bill and 35% were opposed (CNN/ORC Poll 9/11/11). After three weeks of promotion by the President, support has grown so that 52% support the plan with 36% opposed (ABC/Washington Post Poll 10/5/11).  Fifty-eight percent of Americans believe that if the Bill passes, it will improve the job situation in the country. The more people know about the Bill, the more popular it becomes.  An overwhelming majority of Americans are rallying around the President’s Bill because they like what’s in it.  In spite of that support, Congressional Republicans continue to obstruct and advocate their plan to repeal Wall Street reform and cut taxes for corporations and millionaires.  According to Senator McCain’s former economic adviser, the Republican economic proposals “won’t mean much for the economy and job market in the next year.”  He also noted that “given the high odds of another recession in the next few months, it is vital for Congress and the administration to provide some near-term support to the economy.”

    Republicans currently have no alternative that would immediately create jobs.  Nothing from Republicans in Congress or from Republican presidential candidates have been presented to create jobs.  Republicans continue to propose a return to past economic policies that led to economic failure – more tax breaks for large corporations, more tax cuts for the wealthy, and allowing Wall Street to write its own rules.  To further obstruct help for the middle and working class Americans, Senate Republicans are blocking confirmation of the President’s well-qualified and widely respected nominee to head the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau which means that the policies to protect consumers from greedy lending practices that have already been signed into law cannot be implemented.

    Reasonable people would have to conclude that Congressional Republicans do not care about middle and working class Americans and certainly do not care that 75% of Americans support raising taxes on Americans with incomes over one million dollars a year.  As Republicans say no to each proposal that President Obama makes to put people back to work and relentlessly defend the special breaks and loopholes for the wealthiest and Wall Street, they are rapidly losing the support of the American people as evidenced by the Wall Street occupation and other national protests being referred to as the 99ers.  Although the President’s current overall approval is 43%, Congressional Republicans approval is 19%, an all time low.

    Will Republicans heed the calls of their constituency and offer economic support or compromise in behalf of the American people, probably not since their number one objective is to deny President Obama a second term?  Whether you are a Democrat, Republican or Independent, all current House and Senate Republicans as well as a few Democrats are not working in behalf of the American people who sent them, but working for their own selfish interests.  With the 2012 elections approaching, all of them should be replaced, but that’s just my take.

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    You probably realize that – when it comes to promoting your business – one of the best promotional tools is the internet. But while this seems like a simple assertion on the surface, the internet is a broad thing, and it can be difficult to know which aspects of it to use! While such areas as Twitter, facebook, and YouTube seem like no-brainers, there are a few online destinations that are not so cut-and-dry. One of these places is Tumblr – which is an extremely popular blogsite, but which is nevertheless one that people talk about less frequently than they talk about the others. And so, any business looking to branch out into new advertising areas must naturally ask, “Is Tumblr a good place for me to get involved?”

    To answer this question, you have to look at two different things: firstly, you have to look at what you sell; secondly, you have to determine how flexible your marketing approach is.

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    Tumbler – more than any other social media platform – is known for being largely “non-corporate,” as its users tend to fall outside the mainstream. So even though Tumblr has a vast number of users, it might not be the best place for you if your product is considered “corporate.” On the other hand – if your product is considered to be “non-corporate” – Tumblr can certainly be a great place for you to get involved! Or – to take things even one step further – you can do great on Tumbler even if you are “corporate,” as long as you can give your product or service a “non-corporate” feel. And of course, this is where that second consideration – how flexible you can be with your marketing approach – comes into play.

    Of course, anyone in the world of business knows that “profit” is at the bottom line of any service or product a company offers or sells. But if you can give your company a non-corporate feel – marketing yourself using outside-the-box techniques – you will definitely be able to use Tumbler to your advantage!

    As many businesses have still not figured out how to use Tumblr effectively, you can find that you are getting a big head start over your competitors if you establish a presence on Tumblr before the get a chance to!



    Wikipedia defines “crisis” as any event that is, or expected to lead to, an unstable and dangerous situation affecting an individual, group, community or whole society.  With support of the Republicans, the rich continues to get richer, the middle class is shrinking and threatens the social composition and stability of the U.S. economy.  A lot of money, wealth and power are flowing to the top thus seriously expanding the Middle-America gap.  A Congressional Budget Office study in 2011 found that households in the top 1% of wage earners saw their after-tax incomes increase by 275% from 1979 to 2007.  The highest 20% of earners (excluding the top 1%) saw their earnings increase by 65%. As a result, the CBO found that those in the bottom 80% saw their share of the nation’s total income decline by 2 to 3 percentage points depending on which bracket they were in while the top 20% of income earners saw their share increase by 10 percentage points largely driven by gains among the top 1%.

    To compound the problem, in 2008, the US experienced the most shocking blow to the economy since the Great Depression.  When President Obama took office in January 2009, the country was losing almost 600,000 jobs per month.  Instead of helping address the problem, the Congressional Republicans united in obstructing any actions taken by Democrats to resolve the crisis. This absolute rejection 0f the entire Republican Party to participate in the process of governing is without precedent but helps to fulfill a pledge made by Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell when he stated on more than one occasion that his number one priority was making sure that President Obama is a one term president.  By their actions or inaction, Congressional Republicans led by McConnell, Boehner and Cantor prove time and time again that they do not care about middle and working class America if it means helping President Obama to get re-elected.

    During the last few months of the Bush Administration when the economy was in free-fall, the only action taken by the Congress that enjoyed widespread support by Republicans  was the Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP).  This program was basically designed to save the Wall Street banks and protect the profits of the very wealthy, something Republicans were very interested in.  Unfortunately, however, once President Obama took office regardless of the fact that unemployment was already at 7.6% and climbing, all of the Senate and House Republicans decided that their chances for reelection and a return to power were better served by blocking or stalling any legislation to promote economic recovery.

    The Stimulus was the first major effort to help middle and working class Americans.  With 3.6 million jobs already lost in the recession, the Democrats quickly mobilized to pull together some type of relief.  Instead of participating in the process of governing on behalf of the people they represent, the Congressional Republicans used every available opportunity to make unsupported claims and criticism about the Stimulus.  Although most of the Republicans opposed the Stimulus, many requested Stimulus funds once the legislation passed.

    The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) credits the Stimulus with adding as much as 4.5% to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and increasing the number of people employed by between 1.4 and 3.3 million.  According to Mark Zandi, former economic advisor to John McCain, unemployment would be 11.5% instead of 9.5% without the Stimulus.  Yet, 43% of Americans  believe that the Stimulus hurt the economy based on unsubstantiated information disseminated by right-wing media and Conservative Republicans.

    We all know that the Stimulus could have been more effective.  Funds could have been better directed to achieve maximum job creation, but to say that the entire program “has gotten us nowhere,” as John Boehner recently stated is a big lie. The Republicans have continued to obstruct and use dishonesty, deceit and misrepresentation to convince the American people that Stimulus spending is ineffective and that tax cuts are the preferred option.  The Stimulus did help but the middle-class is still in crisis.  Here are some facts:

    •  8.5 million people are receiving unemployment insurance and over 40 million are receiving food stamps.
    • Middle-income jobs in the United States fell from 52% in 1980 to 42% in 2010 and those remaining have been replaced by low-income jobs that make up 41% of total employment.
    • 17 million Americans with college degrees are doing jobs that require less than the skill levels associated with a bachelor’s degree.
    • Over the past year, nominal wages grew only 1.7% while food and energy costs have increased by 2.7%.
    • Wages and salaries have fallen from 60% of personal income in 1980 to 51% in 2010 except for the top 20%.


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