Category: What’s Up!


    When you are looking to add new employees to your business, it is important that you take the interview process very seriously. After all, a new hire is a big commitment, as you will be welcoming this person to the family of your business – and you will be responsible for the way they perform at work! In order to ensure that you are hiring good employees, you need to make sure you are approaching the interview process correctly.

    The interview process starts with that stack of resumes that have come in, as you have to sift through these even before you start interviewing. A lot of people try to “save time” by simply interviewing everyone, but this – of course – takes up more time in the long run. Also, the resume and application is one of the best ways to weed out those prospective employees who will not be a good fit for the position. Take your time going through the resumes, and in this way you can make sure you are only interviewing prospective employees you might actually want to hire.

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    If you go through the resumes in a proper manner, anyone who you bring in for an interview will already be qualified for the job. Because of this, you do not want to spend all your time during the interview focused on their work history and their qualifications. Instead, you will want to try to get a feel for the level of intelligence and the attitude that this person will bring to the workplace.

    One of the best ways to truly get a feel for the sort of person you are interviewing is by letting them ask questions. Let the person ask questions about anything they want to ask questions about at the end of the interview. This will give you a feel for them as a person, and it will let you gain some insight in to the way their mind works.


    You will be much closer to hiring people who will wind up being winners within your business – once you follow these three steps!


    Are you concerned about your sales copy? Perhaps you’ve wasted your energy trying to make a quick buck without selling the experience. Effective sales copy paints such a compelling picture of the experience of buying that the customer can practically feel, taste, and smell how amazing it will be. Check out these five, easy ways to improve your sales copy.

    Make your sales copy visually stunning. Your sales copy should grab and hold attention with stunning visuals. Carefully choose colors, images, and design such that it communicates quality, reliability, and brand.

    Use sales copy that appeals to as many of the five senses as possible. You need to write sales copy that is so descriptive that it makes your readers ache for relief if you’re selling pain killers, salivate if you’re selling ice cream, and shiver if you’re selling winter coats.

    Win the sale by selling him the experience associated with buying your service or product. Are you selling car insurance? Paint the picture of what it’s like to have an accident without insurance, and then describe how much relief he will feel if he has insurance. Are you in the massage therapy business? Describe how it feels to be uptight and dealing with a sore back, and then describe how your customer will feel after having a massage and those tense muscles have been coaxed into relaxing.

    Use only quality for your sales copy. Your sales copy needs to screams “top notch”. That means you need to hire a good copywriter, use quality materials, and take the time to design ads that wow. Remember: your sales copy is the only impression a customer may get of you and your business. Refuse to use any sales copy that appears less than the best.

    Focus on the customer, not the sale. Don’t slap together a lame “BUY NOW” sales flyer or ad. Write about your company’s promise to deliver satisfaction, focusing on the customer experience.

    If you can sell the experience, you’ll close the sale.



    BILLBOARDOne of the most effective ways for you to spread the word about your business is with billboard advertising, but even with how effective billboard advertising can be, one problem a lot of people run into in their pursuit of effective billboard advertising is that they do not know exactly what they should do in order to emphasize their message on a billboard; after all, as beneficial as effective billboard advertising can be, ineffective billboard advertising can amount to a whole pile of wasted money!

    One of the biggest things to realize is that people driving on the highway have a lot of things to pay attention to, and if your billboard ad is to be effective, it will have to catch the eye; there are different ways by which you can go about trying to catch a driver’s eye, but usually, the best way to do so is to use a lot of white space on the billboard. This might be different from what some people think the best solution must be (after all, some people think lots of loud colors is the best way to draw attention to the billboard itself!), but there are a number of reasons why white space on a billboard is beneficial.


    Of course, one of the main reasons why white space on a billboard is great – especially in comparison to having a mishmash of bright colors instead – is that another key to emphasizing your message on a billboard is that the person seeing the billboard should be able to grasp the message of the billboard immediately; in addition to using a lot of white space, use an image that will immediately catch the eye of someone driving by on the highway, and that will convey an idea of exactly what you are trying to say on the billboard itself.


    And of course, you will definitely want to use words on the billboard, but you should try to be as judicious as you can with the number of words you use; you should use words to clarify exactly what message you are trying to convey with the image – and then (most importantly of all!), you should make the name of your company prominent and easy to read, as this will cause the name of your company to stick in someone’s mind!