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    Mormons teach things that promote wholesome family life and they are good at organizing family and community events in such a way as to create a tremendous support network for their members. Even so, lovers of truth need to look at the foundations of the Mormon movement, for what shall it profit a man if he has a great family life, if he loses his soul?  Here are some of the strange doctrines that Mormons teach:

    God was once a man – Brigham Young said, “If our Father and God should be disposed to walk through these aisles, we should not know Him from one of the congregation. You would see a man and that is all you would know about Him.” (Journal of Discourse, Vol II, pg 40). Mormons believe that through faithfulness to the Mormon doctrine they too may one day become gods with a planet of their own.

    God the Father has many wives – God the Father, according to the Mormons’ “Pearl of Great Price” in “Abraham 3:9,16”, is said to be living on a planet near the star Koleb with his wives having spiritual children.

    Jesus was the spirit brother of Lucifer -According to Mormon doctrine Jesus became the Savior because he came up with a better plan than Lucifer concerning how to get the people on earth to worship God (see The Kingdom of God, by Oscar McConkie Jr pg 46; Pearl of Great Price, Book of Moses, 4:1-3).

    Black-skinned people are of inferior origin – Mormons teach that the spirit beings that did not fight valiantly for God come to earth as blacks, while those who fought valiantly come to earth as whites. Until very recently blacks could not become priests in the Mormon system of worship for reasons related to this and other demeaning doctrines.   For example, in the March 1863 Journal of Discourses 10:110, Brigham Young said: “Shall I tell you the law of God in regard to the African race? If the white man who belongs to the chosen seed mixes his blood with the seed of Cain, the penalty, under the law of God, is death on the spot. This will always be so.”

    We are saved by grace, after we have done all we can – Is there anyone that has done “all they can” in following any given religious system?  This is double-talk. Mormonism is a system of religious works and merit from start to finish. It is all about earning merit and a state of worthiness by obedience to the Mormons’ religious system.

    Joseph Smith will judge who may or may not enter into heaven. See Brigham Young, Oct 9, 1859, Journal of Discourses 7:282

    Jesus Christ practiced Polygamy during His ministry on earth –President Orson Hyde, president of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, General Conference, October 1854, Journal of Discourses 2:210 wrote: “I discover that some of the Eastern papers represent me as a great blasphemer, because I said, in my lecture on Marriage, at our last Conference, that Jesus Christ was married at Cana of Galilee, that Mary, Martha, and others were his wives, and that he begat children.’”

    Only recently have Mormons wanted to be called Christians, preferring not to be included with Christian denominations that Joseph Smith said were, “. . .all wrong…all their creeds were an abomination in his sight, and that those professors (Christians) were all corrupt.” (Pearl of Great Price, Joseph Smith, 2:18-19).  Historically, Mormons have preferred to be called “saints” but the Mormon Church has spent millions in an intense public relations campaign aimed at moving their church into the mainstream of Christianity. The political and economic benefits of Mormons being included in the mainstream of Christianity are obvious.  This is why the Mormon Church is trying so hard to present themselves as Christians attempting to avoid the stigma of being a cult.  Although the Constitution provides the right of freedom of religion and people have the right to believe as they desire, Christians also have the right to defend their faith and expose those who misuse the Christianity name.


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    The current Republican front-runner for President of the United States is Willard Mitt Romney who says that as a Mormon, he is a Christian who espouses Christian values.  One of the most significant freedoms Americans have is the freedom of religion and I don’t believe that religious beliefs should necessarily disqualify any American for public office including the presidency.  Romney has every right to seek the Republican nomination for President; however, are there rituals within the Mormon faith that contradict their Christian claims?

    The Mormon religion was founded by Joseph Smith around 1830 in the United States of America. It is a fast growing religious movement which claims more than 12 million worldwide as of 2006. Mormons teach that historical Christianity is totally apostate, and God raised up Joseph Smith as a prophet to restore it. In addition to using the Bible (which they believe is totally inadequate), Mormons believe that the “revelations” “discovered” by Joseph Smith which came to be written down as the “Book of Mormon” are Scripture. They also base their religious structure on two other books: “Doctrines and Covenants” and “The Pearl of Great Price” as well as the pronouncements of their “living prophets”, which they teach are Scripture and binding on all true believers.

    Mormonism spreads primarily through its worldwide missionary efforts – good young unmarried Mormon men are required to do two years missionary service. There are other recommendations for women and for those who have finished with child rearing responsibilities. Mormonism appeals to many on the basis of its appeal to strong family values. But a deeper look into this mysterious and fascinating religion reveals all kinds of peculiar practices and beliefs.

    Mormons teach that God was once a man and that man may become a God. Mormons are taught that God the Father is now on a planet near the star Kolob with his wives having spiritual children. They believe that Jesus and Lucifer (Satan) were once spirit brothers. They once taught that Jesus was married to more than one wife.  More on these teachings later in this article.

    At some point, a number of Mormons get involved in strange secret rites that are practiced at special Mormon temples. These rites include baptism for the dead. Mormons believe that by being baptized “in proxy” for their departed relatives and for others, they can release their souls to be able to enter a higher paradise. Mormons also believe in the importance of wearing a special kind of magic underwear, which is supposed to protect them somehow. This underwear is supposed to be worn at all times except when washing. The underwear has on it certain images from the occult-ed religion of freemasonry. Mormon temples are reputedly full of Masonic imagery – apparently Joseph Smith was a freemason also at one stage. The temple rituals are supposed to be totally secret. However some former temple workers who left the Mormon Church have revealed the rituals as they were and probably are still practiced.

    The Mormon publication, “The Doctrine of Salvation, V.1.” on page 188 states that “Mormonism so-called stands or falls on the history of Joseph Smith. For either he was a prophet, with divine calling, name and empowerment, or he was one of the greatest charlatans the world has ever known”.

    If Joseph Smith was a true prophet from God, then his prophecies should have come to pass. However, there are plenty of instances where they did not. For example, Joseph Smith claimed that before 1891, and before he reached the age of 85, Jesus Christ would return. Well, Joseph Smith did not reach the age of 85 – he was murdered on the 27th of July 1844. And we know that Jesus Christ didn’t return before 1891 bringing an end to the present world order.

    Smith prophesied in 1832 concerning the American civil war that the British would get involved and the war would extend to all nations. This is just one of his false prophecies concerning the American civil war. Smith also predicted the demise of the government of the state of Missouri which had displeased him – this never happened. He prophesied that the civil war would not result in the freedom of ‘Ham’ – this could not happen until the millennium according to Smith. Here again Smith was demonstrating just what a false prophet he was.

    As to the character of Joseph Smith Jr., the historical record is clear that he was a man who sneaked off and took multiple wives, including the wives of other men, to be his own wives. He justified this with special revelations, claiming God told him to do it. Brigham Young, one of the early “apostles” of Mormonism apparently had 19 or more wives. Although the Mormon Church today does not advocate polygamy or polyandry, why shouldn’t they be willing to follow the leadership of their own Prophets? Could it be that those Prophets were in error, or did God actually command them to do these things?




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    The New York Times recently published a fascinating story on Mitt Romney. The article examines Romney’s time at Harvard University in the 1970s when he simultaneously earned business and law degrees. The article basically concludes that Romney is an incredibly able and intelligent man who is focused on achieving that sets him up as an ideal presidential candidate in an age of economic uncertainty.  However, what also surfaces is that Romney comes across as a person without strong ideological convictions other than family and his Mormon faith.  According to Romney’s  former classmates and friends interviewed in the article, that approach perfectly suited Romney’s personality and is exactly what scares conservative Republicans who see him as a shape-shifting, flip-flopping technocrat who cares nothing for the principles that guide their party.

    In addition to his abilities to shift from one position to another depending on which way the wind is blowing, he consistently demonstrates that he will say anything that he needs to say to play to the Tea Party and extreme right-wing conservatives regardless of how asinine, false or just plain ignorant it may be.  For example, Romney recently said that corporations are people and that he was “unemployed” too.  In addition to his constant flip-flopping that suggests he lacks credibility, I believe that the main reason that he will not be elected is because he lacks integrity.

    For example, Romney said recently that: “President Obama believes that government should create equal outcomes. In an entitlement society, everyone receives the same or similar rewards, regardless of education, effort, and willingness to take risk. That which is earned by some is redistributed to the others.” In an interview the same day, Romney stated that the President “is going to put free enterprise on trial.” We all know that President Obama never said anything suggesting that was his view.  In fact, he has gone out of his way to praise free enterprise and stated that there was nothing wrong with getting rich.  The President is a strong supporter for increasing taxes on high-income Americans, but only to their 1990s levels.  In addition, no matter how much Romney denies it, the Affordable Care Act (Romney calls Obamacare) is essentially identical to the one he established as Governor of Massachusetts in 2006.  Romney recently said that the Obama administration has not created jobs, yet according to the Congressional Budget Office, the stimulus created as many as 3.3 million full-time jobs which in part has caused the employment level to move from over 9% to 8.6%.  Regardless of the extent of his fabrications and outright lies, Romney seems confident that he will pay no price for making stuff up.

    Romney appears to have gotten away with a multitude of fraudulent attacks on President Obama and has based his whole campaign on attacking the President for doing things that he hasn’t done and believing things that he doesn’t believe. This past October, Romney said that as president, “I will reverse President Obama’s massive defense cuts,” placating the Republican base.  However, the President has never cut defense spending and the defense budget has continued to grow since the President was elected.  In addition Romney continues to suggest that the President goes around the world “apologizing for America” which is a total fabrication justified by taking quotes out of context.  According to Greg Sargent of The Washington Post, the Romney strategy is to portray the President as a suspect character, someone who doesn’t share American values.

    Because of his economic savvy and intellectual capacity, some believe that he is the most electable Republican in 2012; however, his complete lack of conservative principles makes many conservatives horrified of a Romney president.  In the absence of a more credible conservative, Republicans will probably have to take a deep breath and swallow hard and endorse Romney as their candidate.

    As a Mormon, Romney claims to be a Christian.  However, since the start of his presidential campaign, he has become one of the Republican’s chief liars and apparently has forgotten what Proverbs 6:16 says.  This Proverb discusses seven things the Lord hates including “a false witness that speaks lies, and he that sows discord among brethren” (KJV).  Romney’s non-Christian actions render his Christian claims as “suspect.”

    I believe that Willard Mitt Romney will continue to lie and invent stuff to attempt to make his case that President Obama is “different,” and although he may not pay a price now, if he gets the Republican nomination, he will pay the biggest price of all in making his concession speech acknowledging the second term presidency of Barack Obama, but that’s just my take.

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