Category: What’s Up!


    LIFEEver since the Supreme Court issued its landmark decision on Roe vs. Wade in 1973, there has been pandemonium within the pro-life community especially among conservative evangelicals.  The political power of the pro-life movement has been so intense that federal, state and local governments have eliminated funding for Planned Parenthood even though 97% of its services are for women’s medical and educational services and none of the funds from government are used for abortions.  Just this week, we learned that the Susan G. Komen for the Cure, the nation’s leading breast cancer charity, is ending its partnership with Planned Parenthood which means a cutoff of hundreds of thousands of dollars in grants primarily for breast exams.  Planned Parenthood says the move results from Komen bowing to pressure from anti-abortion activists.  However, Komen says the key reason is that Planned Parenthood is under investigation in Congress.  This “so called investigation” is a probe launched by Representative Cliff Stearns, a Florida conservative Republican, who was urged to act by anti-abortion groups.  Stearns sent a letter to Planned Parenthood announcing that his committee had started an “investigation” of Planned Parenthood.  This “investigation” is apparently an effort to find something Stearns could use to discredit, damage, or destroy Planned Parenthood.  Other than the letter from Stearns and Planned Parenthood’s response, there has been no further committee action to my knowledge.

    The pro-life movement has become so radical that it has gone from peaceful demonstrations to violence, even murder of abortion providers.  In fact, the South Dakota Republican state representatives are even considering a Bill to legalize the killing of abortion providers.  Abortion foes have tried for many years to put Dr. George Tiller out of business, one of the few American physicians who performed late-term legal abortions.  In 1986, Dr. Tillers’ clinic was bombed, in 1991, his clinic was blockaded for six weeks, and in 1993, he was shot in both arms.  In March 2009, Kansas prosecutors tried him on charges of breaking an abortion law but he was acquitted.  In May 2009, vandals cut wires to security cameras and made holes in the roof of Dr. Tiller’s clinic, a fortified single-story building where abortion foes kept daily vigils.  But on May 31, 2009, Dr. George Tiller was shot to death by pro-lifer Scott Roeder while serving as an usher at his church.  Roeder told the jury he was born again (Christian) in 1992 after watching an evangelical TV show, the 700 Club, “That day I knelt down and I did accept Christ as my savior.”  Roeder went on to day that, “It is not man’s job to take life – it’s our Heavenly Father’s. It’s never up to man to take life, except in defense of self or others.”  So here is a Christian that says it is not man’s job to take life yet he chose to take the life of an innocent person.  Roeder’s appalling choice to murder Dr. Tiller landed him in prison for the rest of his life.

    Many in the pro-life community claim that “life begins at conception” while pro-choice advocates claim that “life begins at birth.”  Although persuasive arguments could be made concerning each claim, there does not appear to be any credible source to validate either claim.  However, as a Christian, I decided to research what the Bible says about both claims and was inspired to look at the Book of Genesis, 2:7.  This verse says, “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul.”  Thus, according to Genesis 2:7, if life did not begin for Adam until after he took his first breath, how then can life begin before the first breath is taken?  While the basis of Genesis could be used as a convincing argument that life begins at birth, the purpose of this article is not about when life commences but rather about “choice.”

    Every Christian should embrace the fact that God has given each of us the freedom of choice.  In fact, to become a Christian, one has to choose to accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior.  Even though Roeder chose to become a Christian, he also chose to become a murderer.  We become what we believe.  Gingrich chose to become an adulterer because he believed in open marriage; Romney chose to become a Mormon because he believed in Mormonism even though Mormons are not “Christians;” and Bush chose to become a liar because he believed in taking out Saddam Hussein and occupying Iraq.

    I believe that abortion is wrong except where the health or welfare of the mother may be at risk.  I also believe that adultery, fornication, lying, murder and theft are also wrong, yet every day, people, even Mormons and Christians, choose to engage in similar behavior.  For example, Romney chose to lie when he recently told a crowd in Florida that President Obama cut Medicare by 500 million dollars to pay for Obamacare; Gingrich chose to commit adultery with two previous wives; Rick Santorum chose to make a racist comment about African Americans when he recently said, “I don’t want to make black peoples’ lives better by giving them somebody else’s money;” and Ron Paul chose to make racial commentaries in newsletters he published in 1992.  Gingrich, Santorum and Paul claim to be Christians although their Christian behavior is suspect at best.

    God has given each of us the unconditional right to make choices.  Some choose to become liars, murderers or hate-mongers, while others choose to become pious and honorable.  If the evangelical pro-life community represents Christians as they claim, they should abide by the principles set forth in God’s Word and not attempt to inflict their choices on others.  One day, each of us will stand before Almighty God and give an account of our choices that can very well determine how we will spend eternity.  Will your choices be acceptable?






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    The most egregious behavior of Right-wing Republicans concerns their total disrespect not only for the first African American President, but also for the Office of the Presidency, has reared its ugly head again.  Jan Brewer, the Governor of Arizona, is one of the most recent Obama “hate mongers” to come forth, followed by RNC Chairman Reince Priebus, and Allen West, a Tea Party Congressional Republican from Florida.  Each of these “government officials” represents the worst of right-wing hatred that continues to escalate to the highest pinnacle of fanaticism.  It astonishes me how any member of the Republican Party who calls themselves an American can embrace such disrespect yet Congressman West received a standing ovation from his constituency for his vicious remarks about the President of the United States.

    I believe that Governor Brewer’s blatant disrespect for our President is a disgrace to her office.  She met President Obama on the tarmac as he got off Air Force One for a recent visit to Arizona.  Brewer apparently became uptight when President Obama expressed his disapproval of her characterization of a meeting he had with her in 2010.  So Brewer provided the ultimate disrespect to the President by pointing her finger in his face in a most hostile way.  Although President Obama down-played Brewer’s public display of disrespect, she issued a letter explaining how she came to point her finger at the President during their encounter on the landing strip.

    According to Brewer, when she met President Obama on the tarmac on Wednesday, January 25, 2012, she gave him a handwritten letter inviting him to lunch and to survey the border.  Instead, he dressed her down about parts of her book, Scorpions for Breakfast, in which she described a previous encounter with the President in the Oval Office in which he was, in her words, “condescending, professorial, and patronizing.” Brewer added:  “I felt a little bit threatened, if you will, in the attitude that he had, because I was there to welcome him,” she said.

    Why on earth did Brewer feel threatened by the President?  Was it because of the presence of the Secret Service agents as she stuck her finger in the president’s face, or was it because he is an African American and served as an unpleasant reminder of a stereotype that has plagued black men for ages: that no matter how gifted or composed they are, black men are “intimidating?”  Brewer’s blatant disrespect for the President highlights the fact that she is a poor excuse for a sitting governor.

    Reprehensible Republican behavior continued when RNC Chairman Reince Priebus compared President Obama to the captain of the Costa Concordia cruise liner that ran aground off the coast of Tuscany earlier this month that resulted in the deaths of at least 17 people.  On CBS’ “Face the Nation” on Sunday, January 29, 2012, Priebus said:  “In the end, in a few months, this is all going to be ancient history and we’re going to talk about our own little Captain Schettino, which is President Obama who is abandoning the ship here in the United States,” Priebus said. “He’s more interested in campaigning than doing his job as president.”  In the weeks since the accident, Francesco Schettino has been disgraced for his behavior both leading up to and during the crash, and has been charged with multiple manslaughter and abandoning ship in Italy.  So in another example of a disrespect for the President, the Chairman of the Republican Party has the unmitigated gall to compare the President to that of a person with multiple manslaughter charges!  Priebus was selected for the RNC Chairman position to replace Michael Steele because of Steele’s propensity to say the wrong thing at the wrong time, yet even Steele has criticized Priebus’ disgusting comments.

    Congressman Allen West is a real “piece of work.”  Over the weekend of January 28, 2012, West said at a Lincoln Day Dinner for the Palm Beach County GOP, “We need to let President Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and my dear friend the chairman of the Democrat National Committee, we need to let them know that Florida ain’t on the table.” He added, “Take your message of equality of achievement, take your message of economic dependency, take your message of enslaving the entrepreneurial will and spirit of the American people somewhere else. You can take it to Europe, you can take it to the bottom of the sea, you can take it to the North Pole, but get the hell out of the United States of America.”  After a round of applause, West added, “Yeah I said ‘hell.”

    Bob Beckel on Fox News’ “The Five” said Monday, January 31, 2012, “In my 30 years of politics, I have never heard anything more disgraceful in my life. I think Allen West owes an apology to a lot of people.” West responded today on “Fox and Friends” by saying he thought Beckel owed him an apology.  The good news for many is that West could face a difficult re-election in 2012, as his district becomes more Democratic under a redistricting plan approved by a state House panel.

    Although the behavior of Brewer, Priebus and West is appalling, there is an unanticipated benefit being realized – these recent examples of blatant disrespect for President Obama has completely energized the minority community especially African Americans.  Many in the African American community soften their support of President Obama because they believed he had not done enough to highlight issues of concern to African Americans.  In fact, Cornel West and Tavis Smiley conducted a bus tour of America last year to point out the condition of Black America that were mostly critical of President Obama’s handling of the economy and on social issues including housing and homelessness in America.  Although their attacks on the President drew some critics, many in the Black community applauded West and Smiley.

    But this week when photographs of Governor Brewer’s pointed finger in the face of President Obama as well as the Priebus and West’s disgraceful comments began to circulate around the internet, the African American community was galvanized.  Entertainers, church and political leaders are calling for an end to the disrespect shown to the first African American President of the United States.  In addition to the infighting within the Republican Party, their extreme right-wing radical component continues to support the Democratic Party in achieving unprecedented success in November 2012 including a second-term for President Obama.






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    REPUBLICANSThe Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Republicans call “ObamaCare,” was signed into law on March 23, 2010.  This law passed the Senate on December 24, 2009, by a vote of 60-39 with all Democrats and two Independents voting for, and all Republicans voting against.  It passed the House on March 21, 2010, by a vote of 219-212, with 34 Democrats and all 178 Republicans voting against the bill.  ObamaCare is health care reform that focuses on health care funding, increasing coverage to over 33 million Americans, reducing cost, and removing the social burden that health care has become.  Republicans, especially candidates for President, continue to preach that ObamaCare adds to the deficit and bleeds jobs, and they pledge to “repeal” it once elected to the presidency.  However, among the 100,000 private sector jobs added to the economy in September 2011, the health care industry added 44,000 jobs with 13,000 being in hospitals and 26,000 in ambulatory services.

    Republican presidential candidate Willard Mitt Romney continues to repeat a claim he has made in past debates — repealing the Obama health care law would save money — that has been refuted by nonpartisan fact checkers and analyses like those of the Congressional Budget Office.  Willard says that repealing the law would save $95 billion a year; however, the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office has projected that the health care law would actually reduce deficits by $210 billion in the first decade from fiscal year 2012 through 2021, given taxes, fees and health cost reductions mandated by the law.  That office also reported that legislation passed last year by House Republicans to repeal the law would increase deficits by the same amount.  Romney, of course, implemented similar health care legislation while Governor of Massachusetts.  He now believes that a government run health care system is good for his state but not good for the rest of the country.  Republican candidates should know that presidents cannot repeal legislation; only the Congress can do that.  So in the unlikely event that Willard becomes President, as long as the Senate or House is under democratic control, there will be no repeal of ObamaCare.

    While the Congressional Budget Office has declined to put an exact figure on projected savings of the health care law beyond the first decade given the uncertainty of such long-range projections, it concluded that the savings would be in the range of half a percentage point of the nation’s gross domestic product, a substantial amount.  The Obama administration has projected that the savings in the second decade will exceed $1 trillion.  The law accomplishes what it was designed to do yet Republicans want to abolish it.

    Right-wing radio talk show host, Rush Limbaugh, has been one of the most vociferous opponents of the health care law warning that “human beings will die earlier than normal” under the “freedom killing” and “life threatening” plan, and calling for it to be “aborted.”  During his radio program on March 9, 2010, Limbaugh said that “if this passes and it’s five years from now and all that stuff gets implemented — I am leaving the country. I’ll go to Costa Rica.”  We’ll see in 2015 if Limbaugh really moves to Costa Rica.

    It seems hypocritical that Republicans are against government run health care yet every Republican in Congress is benefiting from a government run health care system and to my knowledge, none have forfeited their right to receive such coverage.  If a government run health care system is good enough for all congressional representatives, why isn’t it good enough for middle-class America?  It may be more about replacing Obama as President than repealing ObamaCare, but that’s just my take.