Category: What’s Up!


    ROMNEYOn Monday, October 22, 2012, almost 60 million Americans witnessed the final debate between President Barack Obama and Governor Willard Mitt Romney.  You may recall that during the first debate, Romney denied most of the policies that he had been articulating during the campaign but he was never challenged by President Obama.  During the second debate, Romney attempted to “bully” the President but ended up getting trapped in his own rhetoric regarding Libya.  However, this past Monday, a still different Romney showed up and President Obama went after him.

    For example, Romney agreed with the President’s draw-down schedule for Afghanistan but just two weeks ago in a keynote foreign policy speech at the Virginia Military Institute, Romney said of the Afghanistan drawdown, “I’ll evaluate conditions on the ground and weigh the best advice of our military commanders. And I will affirm that my duty is not to my political prospects, but to the security of the nation.”  Here Romney seems to be suggesting the possibility of U.S. combat troops remaining in Afghanistan after the scheduled drawdown at the end of 2014.  However, during Monday’s debate, Romney endorsed the Obama position: “When I’m president, we’ll make sure we bring our troops out by the end of 2014. The commanders and the generals there are on track to do so.”

    President Obama exposed Romney as “all over the map” and inexperienced on key national security.  Romney’s performance was less aggressive than Obama’s, and Romney was often on the defense during most of the 90-minutes.  “I know you haven’t been in a position to actually execute foreign policy—but every time you’ve offered an opinion, you’ve been wrong,” Obama said in reference to Romney’s initial support for the Iraq war.

    The President entered the debate “determined not to lose” which became evident by his harsh criticism of Romney while consistently landing well-placed zingers. “The Cold War’s been over for 20 years,” he said concerning Romney’s campaign comment that Russia is America’s primary geopolitical foe.  President Obama later said, “Well, Governor, we also have fewer horses and bayonets,” in response to Romney’s criticism that America has fewer Navy ships than in the past. “We have these things called aircraft carriers, where planes land on them. We have these ships that go underwater, nuclear submarines,” the president added, a touch of ridicule in his voice.

    It was also interesting to note that Romney did not criticize Obama’s handling of the murder of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens in Libya, a topic Romney brought up during the last debate when he walked into a self-inflicted trap.  Instead, Romney said the Middle East is in “tumult” and “chaos,” and suggested Obama’s strategy of killing Al Qaeda leaders in drone strikes is not enough to bring stability to the region.

    “We can’t kill our way out of this mess,” Romney said. “We’re going to have to put in place a very comprehensive and robust strategy to help the …world of Islam and other parts of the world reject this radical violent extremism, which certainly [is] not on the run.”

    Romney also bought up another lie on Obama that he has been advocating for what he called Obama’s Middle East “apology tour,” which Romney said projected weakness abroad. “The president began what I’ve called an apology tour of going to nations in the Middle East and criticizing America. I think they looked at that and saw weakness,” Romney said. Obama called this a “whopper” and criticized Romney for fundraising on his recent trip to Israel. “When I went to Israel as a candidate, I didn’t take donors,” Obama said. “I didn’t attend fundraisers. I went to Yad Vashem, the Holocaust museum there, to remind myself of the nature of evil and why our bond with Israel will be unbreakable.”

    Romney’s refusal to actively engage the President during the debate may have been strategic in an attempt to win independent voters.  Romney agreed with the President on many key foreign-policy issues including the use of drone strikes to kill people believed to be terrorists, harsh sanctions on Iran, and a strategy of avoiding military involvement in Syria.

    During the debate, I believe that reasonable minds would conclude that Willard Mitt Romney knows absolutely nothing about National Security.  Rather than choose a vice presidential candidate with some knowledge, Romney selected Paul Ryan whose National Security experience consists of him voting to go to war in Iraq.  In addition to the debate revealing Romney’s ignorance in National Security matters, he continued to promote a myriad of lies, fibs, half truths and whoppers according to Think Progress:

    1) “Syria is Iran’s only ally in the Arab world. It’s their route to the sea.” Romney is wrong.  Syria may be Iran’s only ally but it does not share a border with Iran.  Iran has 1,500 miles of coastline leading to the Arabian Sea and can reach the Mediterranean via the Suez Canal.

    2) “And what I’m afraid of is we’ve watched over the past year or so [in Syria], first the president saying, well we’ll let the U.N. deal with it….Then it went to the Russians and said, let’s see if you can do something.” While Russia and China have vetoed multiple resolutions at the U.N. Security Council on Syria, the United States has also been working through the Friends of Syria group and other allies in the region. Obama’s approach “would essentially give U.S. nods of approval to arms transfers from Arab nations to some Syrian opposition fighters.”

    3) “Former chief of the — Joint Chiefs of Staff said that — Admiral Mullen said that our debt is the biggest national security threat we face. This — we have weakened our economy. We need a strong economy. We need to have as well a strong military.” If Romney is worried about the national debt, why does he want to increase military spending from 3.5 percent of GDP to 4 percent? This amounts to a $2.1 trillion increase over ten years that the military says it does not need and Romney has no plan to pay for it.

    4) “[W]hen — when the students took to the streets in Tehran and the people there protested, the Green Revolution occurred, for the president to be silent I thought was an enormous mistake.” Obama spoke out about the Revolution on June 15, 2009, just two days after post-election demonstrations began in Iran, condemning the Iranian government’s hard-handed crackdown on Iranian activists. He then reiterated his comments a day later in another press conference. Iranian activists have agreed with Obama’s approach.

    5) “And when it comes to our economy here at home, I know what it takes to create 12 million new jobs and rising take-home pay.” The Washington Post’s in-house fact checker tore Romney’s claim that he will create 12 million jobs to shreds. The Post wrote that the “‘new math’” in Romney’s plan “doesn’t add up.” In awarding the claim four Pinocchios — the most untrue possible rating, the Post expressed incredulity at the fact Romney would personally stand behind such a flawed, baseless claim.









    One of the most alarming trends initiated by the Republican Party is a unified and deliberate effort to suppress the vote of minority and senior citizens.  The creativity of Republicans in implementing novel and unique ways to initiate voter suppression is well funded by anonymous sources and ranges from flawed legislation to deceptive practices designed to intimidate and frighten the minority electorate.

    With the Republican Party in control of many state houses, 25 laws and two executive actions to restrict voting rights have passed in 19 states since the beginning of 2011. The most common new voter suppression laws require voters to show certain government-issued photo identification cards.  Republicans defended these laws when News21 presented its data. “Whether you have proof of it or not, what in the heavens is wrong with showing an ID at polls?” said Bill Denny, a Republican state representative in Mississippi who sponsored his state’s voter ID bill.  So why is the Republican Party pushing for ID cards so hard? One obvious answer: voter suppression.

    The stated rationale behind this unprecedented Republican campaign to require certain restrictive voter ID at the polls is utterly baseless. Republican legislatures were increasingly imposing strict ID requirements for voters, supposedly to discourage in-person voter fraud. But voter fraud is “virtually non-existent” according to the extensive public-records search conducted by News21, a nonpartisan investigative news project funded by the Carnegie and Knight foundations.  Researchers filed more than 2,000 public-records requests and reviewed nearly 5,000 court documents, official records and media reports to get their information. They identified 2,068 alleged cases of voter fraud since the year 2000, a period during which there have been more than 600 million votes cast in presidential elections alone. That, the study noted, is an “infinitesimal amount.” It also showed a total of 10 cases of in-person voter fraud during that period.

    The Florida Republican National Committee (RNC) and in other important swing states concerning voter fraud and voter suppression is incredible.  Since President Obama won the 2008 presidency with an overwhelming support from the minority community, the RNC has been relentless in pursuing the issue of voter fraud.  The RNC has also been leading the charge in many state legislatures to enact unprecedented voter suppression laws allegedly as a necessary remedy to protect the public from the cruelty of voter manipulation and mischief.  However, the RNC has now been exposed as the real perpetrator of both voter fraud and voter suppression.

    Strategic Allied Consulting is the company founded by Nathan Sproul, the former executive director and leader of the Arizona RNC.  In 2012, Sproul was hired by the RNC and the Romney campaign to do voter registration in North Carolina, Florida, Virginia, Nevada and Colorado. Sproul was paid more than $3 million this year by both the RNC and the Romney campaign to do voter registration drives in those five states.  In Florida, from January through September 2012, Strategic Allied Consulting was paid $1.3 million.

    The Florida Department of Law Enforcement has launched a criminal investigation of Sproul and Strategic Allied Consulting because of allegations of criminal acts of voter fraud across the state of Florida including dead people being registered to vote as well as numerous other fraudulent voter activities.  As soon as the criminal allegations surfaced, the RNC’s national office fired Sproul and his firm.  A spokesman for the Republican National Committee said, “We take the integrity of elections extremely seriously. We have zero tolerance for even the mere allegation of impropriety.”  That sounded good coming from the RNC in an effort to distance itself from the more than 220 allegations in 10 different counties relating to Sproul in Florida.

    The Republican National Committee has had a relationship with Sproul even though there were allegations of voter tampering and other irregularities since 2004. I wonder why there was no “zero tolerance” by the RNC at that time!  Voter fraud, as the Republican Party is reminding people on large billboards in Ohio and in other states where minority voters are concentrated, is a criminal offense.

    Sproul and his companies, which have been directly linked to voter suppression, deception and fraud, have been paid more than $21.2 million by the Republican Party over the past nine years. Unfortunately, there are conservative forces who want to distort, dislodge, and blemish the outcome and integrity of the 2012 elections to satisfy their hatefulness and distain for President Obama so Sproul was selected.

    The most contentious cases for voter ID laws were overturned in several states yet advocates claim that in battleground states including Ohio, Nevada, Florida and Pennsylvania, other voter suppression efforts are still underway.  AFL-CIO executive Vice President Arlene Holt Baker told reporters during a conference call that there are examples of intimidation surfacing including billboard advertisements on voter fraud.  The billboards have already appeared in Florida and Ohio.  Union lawyers claim these ads are propagandizing the message that those who commit voter fraud will be incarcerated for two to three years.  “People absolutely know that, but when you start to have that kind of intimidation it could be pretty threatening to you,” said Baker.

    Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court Judge Robert Simpson halted a photo ID law that would have obligated voters to show identification on Election Day.  Election officials can still ask for photo identification but they will not be able to prevent people from voting if they don’t have a photo ID.  However, several public utilities in the state are sending out newsletters to their customers that were printed prior to the law being enjoined telling customers that they must have a valid photo ID in order to be permitted to vote.  For example, PECO admitted on Oct 17, 2012, of sending faulty Voter ID information to 1.3 million customers in seven Pennsylvania counties.  You do not need a photo ID to vote in Pennsylvania.

    Currently, eleven (11) courts have blocked or blunted state voting suppression laws.  In Florida early voting and voter registration drives have been restored as a result of court intervention.  Ohio, however, is still attempting to suppress voter turnout despite three unsuccessful appeals through the court system.

    John Hustad, Ohio Secretary of State, continues his determination to suppress the minority vote.  This week, the U. S. Supreme Court denied Secretary Hustad’s appeal and in effect, ordered him to implement the lower court’s directive by restoring early voting.  Hustad has now decided that since he couldn’t get his way through the court system, he would take an administrative action by severely restricting the time of early voting during the last three days leading to November 6th.  Instead of allowing a total of 24 hours for the polls to be opened during this period, Secretary Hustad decided to limit the hours to 16.

    Because of the huge African American turnout for President Obama in 2008, the Republican Party has decided to “pull out all of the stops” to prevent a large minority turnout for Obama for this election.  They tried through legislation that was eventually overturned by the courts and now through voter intimidation and scare tactics with large billboards in African American and Hispanic neighborhoods about criminal penalties for voter fraud or the requirement for IDs even though they are not required.  They are even using Robocalls to minorities informing that they can vote by telephone which is a lie, as well as informing minorities via print and telephone media of false election dates.

    The 15th Amendment to the Constitution declares that the “right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.” However, it would take the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 before the majority of African Americans in the South were registered to vote. Thus, voting is a fundamental right for all Americans.

    It is ironic at how much the Republican Party emphasizes the importance of following the Constitution yet their voter suppression schemes have resulted in a blatant and egregious violation of the Constitution.  It makes you wonder whether the Republican Party’s faithfulness to the founding principles of this country as articulated by the Constitution is genuine or fabricated as many of their other principles.  The philosophy of the Republican Party for this election appears to be that if they can’t get Romney elected honestly, they will attempt to get him elected through a series of contrived and dishonest means.  Not only is it pathetic, but UN-American.








    On Tuesday, October 16, 2012, before approximately 65 million viewers, the Town Hall style debate between President Obama and Mitt Romney unfolded in one of the most contentious presidential debates in modern history.  Romney entered the debate “determined to win,” but President Obama entered the debate “determined not to lose.”  President Obama’s resolve not to lose was significantly more potent than Romney’s desire to win and it showed with his continuous feistiness on Romney’s policies while calling out his lies.

    Romney was not “docile” during the encounters even displaying a bit of “disrespect” for the President.  “You’ll get your chance in a moment. I’m still speaking,” Romney said in a condescending tone at one point while Obama was talking.  (If the role was reversed, Republican conservatives would be “up in arms” that their President was being disrespected.)  Romney said the President’s policies had failed and that the President did not live up to his promises.  Both passionately disagreed on taxes, ways to reduce the deficit, energy, pay equity for women and health care issues.  Another contentious moment ensued when the subject of immigration was raised.  Romney said that Obama had failed to pursue the comprehensive legislation he promised at the start of his administration, and the President countered by talking about the Republican obstruction.

    The President’s aggressiveness became even more apparent by calling Romney out on his claim that his five-point plan would create 12 million jobs.  Obama said, “Gov. Romney says he’s got a five-point plan. Gov. Romney doesn’t have a five-point plan. He has a one-point plan. And that plan is to make sure that folks at the top play by a different set of rules.”  “That’s been his philosophy in the private sector,” Obama said. “That’s been his philosophy as governor. That’s been his philosophy as a presidential candidate. You can make a lot of money and pay lower tax rates than somebody who makes a lot less.”  “You can ship jobs overseas and get tax breaks for it. You can invest in a country, bankrupt it, lay off the workers, strip away their pensions and you still make money. That’s exactly the philosophy that we’ve seen in place for the last decade,” the President said in a blistering summation.  Romney said the accusations were “way off the mark.”

    Romney set his own trap when the subject of the recent death of the U.S. Ambassador to Libya in a terrorist attack at an American post in Benghazi was raised.  One of Obama’s most powerful knockout punches came when Romney thought that he had the President “boxed in” and you could see the attack gleam in Romney’s eyes.  Although Romney spent weeks criticizing the Obama administration for mishandling the crisis that took the lives of four Americans in Benghazi, Romney once again got his facts wrong.

    President Obama had already stated that on the day after the attack, he called it an act of terror and pledged to bring the attackers to justice.  Obama also took full responsibility for the attacks.  However, Romney decided to challenge the President on semantics.  “I think it’s interesting the President said something, which is on the day after the attack he went in the Rose Garden and said this was an act of terror,” Romney said turning to the President. “You said in the Rose Garden the day after the attack, it was an act of terror? It was not a spontaneous demonstration, is that what you are saying?”  “I want to make sure we get that for the record,” Romney continued, his eyes widening. “It took the president 14 days before he called it an act of terror.”

    Obama responded, “Get the transcript,” but moderator Candy Crowley was quick to fact-check Romney, saying, “He did, in fact, call it an act of terror,” to which the President said, “Could you say that a little louder, Candy,” drawing a reaction from the audience.

    In another of his most heated moments of the debate, President Obama delivered a firm, direct and commanding response to Romney for accusing the White House of playing politics with the Libya crisis. The crowd applauded Obama loudly, breaking the rules for debate decorum. Romney was stunned.

    When asked by a member of the audience how Romney would differ from former President George W. Bush, Romney said, “We are different people and these are different times.”  Romney said that he would attempt to balance the budget something Bush was unsuccessful in doing, get tougher on China and work more aggressively to expand trade.  Obama again challenged Romney saying that President Bush didn’t attempt to cut off federal funding for Planned Parenthood or turn Medicare into a voucher system like Romney would.

    There is no question that Obama succeeded in rattling Romney and took him off script that was evidenced when Romney claimed to have ordered up “binders full of women” to staff his Massachusetts cabinet. Romney’s “binder” comment went viral on Twitter and raised questions about whether Romney had exaggerated his role in recruiting top women for his cabinet during his 2003-2007 term as governor.  The Boston-based non-partisan coalition of women’s groups MassGAP said in a statement that it spearheaded the process and compiled a roster of female applicants for top jobs in the state in 2002, then “presented this information to the administration for follow-up interviews and consideration for appointment.”  However, according to Romney’s statement during the debate, that after being presented by his staff with an all-male list of potential appointees, he turned to women’s groups to find him suitable female candidates, saying “Well, gosh, can’t we — can’t we find some — some women that are also qualified?” At his request, Romney said, “they brought us whole binders full of women.”  Is this another one of Romney’s lies?

    The confident Romney of the first debate was clearly disheveled ignoring questions from the audience to re-engage arguments that had concluded.  Then as the debate was coming to a close, Romney made another fatal mistake by referring to his 47 percent remarks emphasizing that he would look out for 100 percent of Americans.  That was all Obama needed to talk about what Romney said of nearly half the country and Romney did not have a chance to respond.

    As a result of the pounding Obama gave Romney, the conservatives needed to blame someone for Romney’s poor performance by attacking the moderator.  For example, “Crowley’s behavior goes beyond despicable as it was a blatant attempt to influence the presidential election,” Americans for Limited Government said in a statement. “If CNN wants to maintain any shred of credibility as a ‘news’ organization, they should fire Crowley immediately for her gross violation of whatever remains of journalistic standards.”  Conservative talk show host Glenn Beck tweeted during the debate that “Candy loves to police Romney! As soon as he begins to win she shuts him down.” Conservative columnist Jonah Goldberg wrote, “There goes Candy holding Romney’s feet to the fire while, letting Obama unchain his muse.” Another conservative, John Nolte, wrote, “Crowley is the one losing this debate. She’s been absolutely disgraceful and biased from choice of questions to time.” Rush Limbaugh complained Wednesday that Crowley had committed “an act of journalistic terror.”

    After the first debate, several national polls showed Romney enjoying a significant debate bounce, closing Obama’s lead and even gaining a slight advantage in some surveys.  Although Romney successfully portrayed himself as an able leader and saw his favorability ratings climb, key swing states continue to show a narrow lead for Obama.  We should know soon if this debate moves the polls at all; the poll jury is still out.  Stay tuned for the final debate.