People use YouTube in a number of ways; some people use it to get famous, some people use it just for fun, and some people use it for their business. Regardless of the way you yourself are using YouTube, it is not a very helpful tool if you are posting videos that do not get any hits. It is important that you figure out how to get hits on your videos – especially if you are using YouTube to promote your business!
Of course, if you want your YouTube video to get hits, it has to be something that people will want to share with others. This is the magic of YouTube – the fact that a video can be posted only once, but that other people can spread it around until it has been seen all over. One of the keys to making videos that people will spread around is making videos that are actually relevant. This does not meant that you need to be inauthentic or “hip” in some way in your videos; it just means your videos need to be something people care about! If you run a business, this “something people care about” can be as simple as a promotion or a message to your customers.
Of course, it certainly will not hurt for your video to be funny – after all, funny videos get spread around much more quickly! Short videos also tend to do better than long ones – and even though this can be difficult to stick to, it is also important. Short videos are much easier to watch, and with them it is much easier to leave your viewers wanting more. Viewers are much more likely to want to watch a video again and again if you leave them wanting more, which is why this is another one of the big keys.
The emergence of YouTube has been a huge benefit to those companies who have figured out how to employe it in an effective manner. And you will be well on your way to employing YouTube in an effective manner yourself, once you begin to follow these tips.
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