

    I have been selling and repairing quality gold and silver jewelry since 1994. Like many small business owners and individuals, the current economic situation facing our country has seriously impacted many of us and has caused some to seek options to sustain our livelihood.  The gold and silver markets have exploded over the years and continue to be the most secure form of protection during economic uncertainly.  One problem, however, is that many of us have seen the current cost of gold and silver and have concluded that it is cost prohibitive to attempt to engage in a sustained process to acquire gold or silver.  I recently had the occasion to consider the Numis Network program, a concept specifically designed to enable average Americans, like us, to build a lucrative portfolio of silver on a consistent and sustained basis at a very nominal cost.  But in addition to the investment value of a quality silver portfolio, the coins I am acquiring are “numismatic.” Numismatic coins are legal tender coins that are sought after by collectors. These include everything from the ancient coins used as currency from the beginning of civilization, to the official coins minted by the Roman Empire, through today’s modern issue silver and gold coins produced by the world’s government mints.

    In purchasing silver coins through Numis Network, I have the advantage of buying from someone I know and at a very economical price. In addition, Numis Network specializes in the highest grade, modern issue coins produced by leading government mints from around the world, but best of all, I enjoy total confidence in knowing that I am buying the very highest grade silver collectible coins there are because Numis Network only sells coins that have been certified by the largest and most trusted coin grading services. The obvious advantage is that graded coins are certified and ultrasonically encapsulated for preservation, presentation and long term value. “Graded” silver numismatic coins are not ordinary, they are special. The value of these collectible coins is based not only on their precious metal content, but also on rarity, collector demand, and their actual condition. The fact that they are certified and graded by recognized experts makes them more valuable and desirable than ordinary ungraded silver coins. In addition, Numis Network guarantees to buy back my coins for 100% of the silver original purchase price.

    Silver and gold have always been at the heart of mankind’s desire for beauty and wealth. The quest to acquire and accumulate these precious metals seems to be encoded into our DNA. Therefore, I decided that if I am going to collect something, it might as well be money. This is exactly what Numis Network is all about, helping people collect the most precious and valuable money of all….silver numismatic coins. By purchasing and accumulating graded, silver numismatic coins, I have the opportunity to create wealth, collect wealth, and to preserve wealth.

    Finally, I have found a simple and affordable way to collect something of real value that’s fun and rewarding. With Numis Network’s Silver Coin of the Month Club, I receive one of these beautiful treasures each and every month. Each coin is expertly selected from the world’s leading government mints for its beauty and value and my Silver Coin of the Month comes to me in perfect condition, graded, certified, and encapsulated to preserve its museum quality condition.




    If you are interested in getting more information on acquiring wealth through the accumulation of silver click here to view the video.

    This is a continuation of yesterday’s post and a listing of President Obama‘s major achievements.

    • SCHIP expansion: On February 5, 2009, President Obama signed a bill expanding the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) to cover 4 million more lower-income children.
    • Credit card reform: On May 21, 2009, President Obama signed into law a bill providing what USA Today called the “most sweeping changes to the credit card industry in 40 years,” adding restrictions on interest rate increases and fees and restricting the marketing of credit cards to college students.
    • Tobacco regulation: On June 22, 2009, President Obama signed the Family Smoking, Prevention and Tobacco Control Act, which, for the first time, gave the U.S. Food & Drug Administration the authority to regulate the manufacturing, marketing, and sale of tobacco.
    • National Service: On April 21, 2009, President Obama signed the Edward M. Kenney Service America Act which expands the scope of AmeriCorps and provides opportunities for young people and senior citizens to join in service programs.
    • Bringing the war in Iraq to an end: Consistent with his campaign promise, Obama has reduced troops in Iraq down to 50,000, with the remaining troops focusing on training and recruiting Iraqi forces, rather than combat operations. He fulfilled this promise responsibly.
    • Passed legislation to curb greenhouse gases and improve the environment: The Obama Administration implemented new regulations on power plants, factories, and oil refineries to limit greenhouse gas emissions and curb global warming.  In addition, he issued a Presidential Memorandum to the Department of Energy to implement more aggressive efficiency standards for common household appliances such as dishwashers and refrigerators, which, over the next three decades, should save twice the amount of energy produced by all the coal-fired power plants in America in any given year.
    • Nuclear non-proliferation agreement: Obama met with 47 presidents in a 3 day summit to lower the nuclear weapons count with a treaty signed between US and Russia, putting the world back on a path to reducing nuclear weapons.
    • Restoring Our Image Abroad: After 8 years of damage to our country’s image, Obama has helped to rebuild significantly damaged relationships with foreign governments all over the world.  This single international achievement has enabled the most influential countries to work together to fight challenges such as global warming and nuclear expansion and many other benefits.
    • Lifted Bush restrictions on embryonic stem cell research: Obama provided federal support for stem-cell and new biomedical research, helping to make it easier for scientists to find cures for our most dangerous diseases.  Medical researchers anticipate that adult and embryonic stem cells will soon be able to treat cancer, Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus, Parkinson’s Disease, Hunting Disease, Celiac Disease, cardiac failure, muscle damage and neurological disorders, and many others.
    • Implemented education reforms: Through his Secretary of Education, Obama made college more accessible and affordable through significant increases in scholarships and funding, and, most importantly, through an innovative program called Race to the Top, spurred reforms in state and local district K-12 education by providing states with incentives to make positive changes to their education systems. Race to the Top prompted 48 states to adopt common standards for K-12.

    President Obama’s accomplishments during his first term have been laudable.  However, Republicans continue to say that his policies and accomplishments are “fiscally irresponsible” and he should be embracing the Republicans’ policies to cut government, cut taxes and cut regulations.  So let’s look at the facts and a brief history of real fiscally irresponsibility.

    • 1980: Ronald Reagan runs for president, promising a balanced budget
    • 1981 – 1989: With support from congressional Republicans, Reagan runs enormous deficits, adds $2 trillion to the debt.
    • 1993: Bill Clinton passes economic plan that lowers deficit, gets zero votes from congressional Republicans
    • 1998: U.S. deficit disappears for the first time in three decades. Debt clock is unplugged.
    • 2000: George W. Bush runs for president, promising to maintain a balanced budget.
    • 2001: CBO shows the United States is on track to pay off the entirety of its national debt within a decade.
    • 2001 – 2009: With support from congressional Republicans, Bush runs enormous deficits, adds nearly $5 trillion to the debt.  The FY2009 budget was a spending plan by President Bush to fund government operations for October 2008 – September 2009.
    • 2002: Dick Cheney declares, “Deficits don’t matter.”
    • 2009: Barack Obama inherits $1.3 trillion deficit from Bush; Republicans immediately condemn Obama’s fiscal irresponsibility.
    • 2009: Congressional Democrats unveil several domestic policy initiatives — including health care reform, cap and trade, DREAM Act — which would lower the deficit.  GOP opposes all of them while continuing to push for deficit reduction.
    • September 2010: In Obama’s first fiscal year, the deficit shrinks by $122 billion. Republicans again condemn Obama’s fiscal irresponsibility.
    • October 2010: S&P endorses the nation’s AAA rating with a stable outlook, saying the United States looks to be in solid fiscal shape for the foreseeable future.
    • November 2010: Republicans win a U.S. House majority, citing the need for fiscal responsibility.
    • December 2010: Congressional Republicans demand extension of Bush tax cuts, relying entirely on deficit > financing. GOP continues to accuse Obama of fiscal irresponsibility.
    • March 2011: Congressional Republicans declare intention to hold full faith and credit of the United States > hostage — a move without precedent in American history — until massive debt-reduction plan is approved.
    • July 2011: Obama offers Republicans a $4 trillion debt-reduction deal. GOP refuses, pushes debt-ceiling standoff until the last possible day, rattling international markets.
    • August 2011: S&P downgrades U.S. debt, citing GOP refusal to consider new revenues. Republicans rejoice and blame Obama for fiscal irresponsibility.

    When we consider the facts since the Reagan Presidency, I believe that reasonable people would have to conclude that it was the Republican Administrations who were fiscally irresponsible.  “Reaganomics” didn’t work and added 2 trillion to the debt.  Bush cut taxes for the wealthy and added 5 trillion to the debt and created only 3 million jobs in eight years compared to Clinton’s 23 million jobs. George H. W. Bush created 2.5 million jobs; Reagan created 16 million jobs; Carter created 10.5 million jobs; Ford created 1.8 million jobs; Nixon created 9.4 million jobs; Johnson created 11.9 million jobs; Kennedy created 57.3 million jobs; Eisenhower created 3.5 million jobs; and Truman created 8.4 million jobs.

    Even if you don’t consider the approximately 3 million jobs saved or created through the Obama stimulus package, since the Eisenhower Presidency, Republicans created only 36.2 million jobs while the Democrats created 111.1 million jobs.  Remember, it took a Republican (Hoover) to get us into the first depression, and a Democrat (FDR) to get us out.  In addition, since Eisenhower, there has only been one President who produced a balanced budget and a budget surplus.  To sum it up, President Bill Clinton left office in 2001 with a balanced budget and federal budget surplus of $236 billion.  President George Bush ran a budget deficit of $319 billion by 2005.

    As we look forward to the 2012 elections, regardless of political affiliation, we should vote for a President, Senator and Representative who can best serve the interests and needs of the American people including resolving our economic situation and creating jobs.  Based on the facts and history of Democratic Presidential fiscal responsibility and unprecedented job creation, in my view, the Democratic Party can best serve the American people and get this country back on track.  It goes without question that President Obama deserves a second term and hopefully, can regain majorities in both houses of Congress.  But that’s just my take.

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    I have been a supporter of President Obama since the 2008 campaign and have continued to support him.  Although I am registered as a Democrat I consider myself an Independent.  The only reason I have not registered as an Independent is because I enjoy voting in primary elections; a benefit not accorded Independents.  My voting, however, is based primarily on how I believe a candidate can best serve the needs of the American people.  When Reagan ran against Carter, I voted for Reagan because at that time, I believed that his policies were in the best interest of the American people.  Like many Americans, however, I was sorely disappointed in the Reagan Presidency because his so-called “trickle down economics” did not work.  Although I never considered voting for McCain since I did not believe that his policies would fulfill the needs of the American people, what sealed the deal for me was his selection of Sarah Palin as his running mate.  I had considerable difficulty in viewing her as next in line to become President.  Of course, when I look at the current group of Republican candidates for President, all of them are interested in the same thing-to help the rich get richer at the expense of the middle-class.

    Since Obama’s election, Republicans, right-wing radical talk show hosts and others have called him everything but Mr. President.  In spite of the mess left him by the Bush Administration, over the past two and a half years, Obama has accomplished more for the American people than recent Republican administrations in their full terms.  Here is a list of what I believe are some of his major accomplishments:

    • Appointing two Supreme Court Justices: Obama added two Democrats to the Supreme Court, replacing two moderate Democrats in the process. If McCain had won the presidency instead, we would now be looking at an unbalanced Supreme Court with six conservatives and only three liberal judges – a balance that would have been in place for many years. Obama added diversity with filling the two vacancies with women and by including the nation’s first Hispanic.  Even with the addition of two new appointments, the court’s majority is still conservative and recently made one of the worst legal opinions ever brought before it.  This case, Citizens United, classifies corporations as people thereby allowing them to make unlimited contributions in political races.  For example, over 40 million dollars were spent in Wisconsin just to benefit four Republican state senators who were recalled.  Corporations now have the legal authority to “buy elections.”
    • Passing Universal Healthcare: Obama accomplished what no prior President could by expanding health coverage to 32 million more Americans while simultaneously reducing the deficit by an estimated $1.3 trillion over the next 20 years. It is now illegal for insurance companies to deny coverage for people with pre-existing conditions, it caps out of pocket expenses when people get sick, it helps shift our medical system’s focus to preventative care, it attempts to lower health care costs by forcing all Americans to have medical insurance and pay their fair share, it increases competition by creating marketplace exchanges to make it easier for small businesses and those without insurance to shop and compare plans, it funds co-ops which can offer competitive insurance plans and provide further competition for insurance companies, it allows insurance companies to offer plans across state borders further increasing the supply of competitive plans, it provides funding, infrastructure, and support to automate, digitize, and unify the country’s outdated medical information system reducing system-wide costs, it sets up an independent commission of doctors and medical experts to identify and root out medical system waste, fraud, and abuse and includes many pieces of reform that will reduce the most wasteful medical system practices, and children can remain on their parents health plan until age 26.  Of course, all Republican Presidential Candidates want to repeal this most important law for the American people.  It’s ironic that all members of congress currently enjoy Government sponsored health care and if a Republican captured the Presidency in 2012, that person would also enjoy Government sponsored health care.
    • Passing Financial industry reform: This legislation attempts to correct those industry issues that helped create the current economic recession. It provides a mechanism that allows the government to break apart large financial institutions that threaten the economy.  It creates, among other things, a Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection to help protect citizens from unscrupulous practices and prevents banks from engaging in risky financial instruments such as credit derivatives.  All of the Republican Presidential candidates do not like this legislation and want to repeal it.  In fact, the current Senate Republicans have held up Obama’s nominee to head this important agency because they detest implementing laws and regulations that interfere with the banking industry from making more money.
    • Preventing a 2nd Great Depression: Based on the recommendations of some of the best economic minds around him, Obama implemented policies to save America’s 2 major car manufacturers from going out of business and passed the largest economic stimulus bill in the nation’s history that saved or created almost 3 million jobs.  As I wrote about in a previous blog on Republican Hypocrisy, every Republican voted against the Stimulus but after the Democrats passed the legislation, many of them sent letters and placed telephone calls to the Obama Administration Cabinet Secretaries seeking Stimulus funds for their districts and even took credit for receiving the proceeds.
    • The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009:  On January 29, 2009, President Obama signed into law this bill that amends the Civil Rights Act of 1964 stating that the 180-day statute of limitations for filing an equal-pay lawsuit regarding pay discrimination resets with each new discriminatory paycheck. The law was a direct answer to the Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., a U. S. Supreme Court decision holding that the statute of limitations for presenting an equal-pay lawsuit begins on the date that the employer makes the initial discriminatory wage decision, not on the date of the most recent paycheck, as a lower court had ruled.
    • Lifting Ban on Gays in the Military:  On December 22, 2010, President Obama signed into law legislation lifting the ban on gays serving openly in the military, repealing a 17-year-old policy and fulfilling a campaign promise.  The law will “strengthen our national security and uphold the ideals that our fighting men and women risk their lives to defend,” Obama said during a signing ceremony at the Interior Department.  Members of the armed forces make numerous sacrifices to serve, he said. “None of them should have to sacrifice their integrity as well.”   Sen. John McCain (R. Ariz.), a staunch opponent of repeal, called the Senate vote a “sad day” for the military. “I hope that when we pass this legislation that we will understand that we are doing great damage, and we could possibly …harm the battle effectiveness which is so vital to the survival of our young men and women in the military,” he said.  Regardless of McCain’s criticism, Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell has officially been repealed.  Had McCain been elected President, this legislation would never have passed and thousands of Americans would have been deprived of their civil rights.


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