

    In the past, I wrote about the subject of “racism,” and while that term continues to be a sensitive topic for discussion, I had to consider if I really wanted to approach this subject again. After careful consideration, however, I have concluded that a significant number of events have occurred since Donald Trump has been elected President that continue to produce ample evidence for me that twenty-first century racism, bigotry and hate have increased significantly.  Racism and the “Jim Crow” era have resurged with added vitriol and hate among some members of the Republican Party and various hate groups that identify with Republicans.

    Neo-Nazis and White Supremacy groups suddenly seem highly visible following their recent violent riot in Charlottesville, Virginia, that left counter-protester Heather Heyer dead. The protest was largely void of Klan hoods, suggesting that neo-Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan are feeling more emboldened since Trump had verbally encouraged such hate and violence during his candidacy. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), the number of hate groups is currently near the country’s all-time recorded high in 2011. The SPLC reports that as of 2016, there are 917 active groups. (That’s 100 fewer than the 1,108 groups reported in 2011.) The SPLC’s hate map identifies groups by tracking their publications and websites. Of those 917, more than 90 are neo-Nazi groups. California has the highest number with 79, followed by Florida with 63 and Texas with 55.

    The purpose of this article is not to imply that all white Americans are racist.  On the contrary, most are loving American citizens who believe strongly in equality for all.  In fact, the majority of Americans who confronted the recent Nazis and White Supremacy groups in Charlottesville where White Americans even though the groups’ vitriol primarily targets people of color.

    Racism is nothing new to African Americans and other minorities.  As a 75 year old senior citizen, I have personally experienced both blatant and subtle racism.  I entered Federal Service in 1961 and witnessed discrimination in hiring, promotion and work assignment practices.  African Americans were typically assigned to the docket, mail room or messenger pools regardless of how they scored on Civil Service and Federal entrance examinations.  However, after the Civil Rights Act was passed in 1964, Federal agencies were required to establish hiring goals that opened a number of opportunities for African Americans and other minorities.  That was also a time when Federal Equal Employment Opportunity officers were hired by agencies to monitor progress.  Although these events were welcomed by the minority community, they were not readily accepted by members of the white community.  At my Federal agency, for example, some of my white colleagues would barely acknowledge African American employees within the confines of the building and completely ignored most while passing on the street.  However, after the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King on April 4, 1968, when six days of riots erupted in Washington, DC, suddenly, white sentiment changed; politeness and courtesies were finally extended to African American employees.  It was unfortunate that a riot produced these results.

    Much progress had been made in attempting to eliminate racism and bigotry; however, there was a significant set-back caused by members of the Republican Party when President Obama was inaugurated as the first African American President and re-elected to a second term.  Overt racist attacks became even more blatant through congressional Republican verbal assaults on President Obama, Attorney General Holder, and some African Americans in Congress.  We shouldn’t forget that a racist nucleus of mad white Americans has never supported racial equality.  In fact, their political representatives voted against both the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts of 1964 and 1965.

    The Supreme Court dealt a major blow to Civil Rights, more specifically, affirmative action on Tuesday, April 22, 2014, upholding the decision of Michigan voters — and by implication similar bans in California and six other states — to forbid the use of race as a factor in deciding who is admitted to state universities. In a 6-2 ruling, the Court brushed aside claims that such bans amounted to discrimination against minorities, ending constitutional challenges to the state ballot measures.

    “This case is not about how the debate about racial preferences should be resolved,” Justice Anthony M. Kennedy said for the court. “It is about who may resolve it. There is no authority in the Constitution of the United States or in this court’s precedents for the judiciary to set aside Michigan laws that commit this policy determination to the voters.”

    In a vehement dissent, Justice Sonia Sotomayor faulted her colleagues for what she said was their “refusal to accept the stark reality that race matters.”

    The Constitution does not “give the majority free rein to erect selective barriers against racial minorities,” she said, reading her dissent aloud in court. She cited a brief from the University of California chancellors reporting on the drop in the percentage of African American and Latino students at UC Berkeley and UCLA.

    To take away the rights of minorities is a shocking decision,” said George Washington, a Detroit lawyer who challenged the law. “With this, and the voting rights decision last year, it’s clear the Supreme Court is undoing the rights gained by blacks and Latino people in the 1960s and 1970s.”

    To continue to weaken affirmative action policies and programs, the Trump Justice Department has redirected its Civil Rights division’s resources toward investigating and suing universities over affirmative action admissions policies deemed to discriminate against white applicants, according to a document obtain by the New York Times.  That document, an internal announcement to the Civil Rights division, seeks current lawyers interested in working for a new project on “investigations and possible litigation related to intentional race-based discrimination in college and university admissions.”

    Although the coverage the Trump Justice Department got from the media on its new policy simply suggested that the Justice Department has having fallen into the hands of racists, the louder message was the one heard by conservatives. Although conservatives might have doubt about Trump’s conduct, veracity, and allegiance to conservative ideas, the “almost fired” Attorney General Jeff Sessions has given disgruntled Republicans one more reason to think their efforts to elect Trump were justified. For progressives, however, the Justice Department’s policy shift is simply a payoff to white racists and extremists who resent any help given to minorities.



    On Wednesday, November 9, 2016, a majority of Americans were stunned and shocked to learn that Donald Trump had won the presidency.  Although he managed to receive the required 270 electoral votes, Trump lost the popular vote by almost 2 million votes.  Trump formally announced that he was running for president in a speech delivered from Trump Tower in New York City in June 2015. Almost immediately, corporations and individuals that had partnerships with him – including Macy’s, NBC and Univision – begin to sever ties with Trump because of disparaging comments he made about Mexicans in the speech announcing his candidacy.

    Trump ran what many consider as the most negative and vitriolic presidential campaign in modern history.  In spite of what the polls showed about Hillary Clinton with a double-digit lead with college educated women, the polls turned out to be wrong.  In fact, a majority of white women, educated or not, voted for Trump, but black women stood firm for Clinton. Based on how Trump denigrated women during his campaign, it was surprising to see them turned to supporting him.

    Trump claimed to cherish women, but his words and actions never validated that claim.  During the GOP debate on August 6, 2016, Fox News’ Megyn Kelly called him out on his sexist behavior by asking him whether his descriptions of various women (“pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals”) suggested that he didn’t have the temperament to be president. All this escalated with Trump’s subsequent comment on CNN about Kelly: “You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes–blood coming out of her wherever.” As if the suggestion that her menstrual state was behind Kelly’s tough questioning wasn’t enough, Trump also retweeted a comment calling her a “bimbo” (later deleted) and called her a “lightweight.” In spite of Trump’s rhetoric, he won the presidency.

    All of the National polls during the campaign showed Hillary Clinton leading; some polls had her leading by double-digits.  So what happened?  Why didn’t the final results confirm the polls?  The Clinton camp and others said that FBI Director James Comey’s second letter to Congress concerning additional emails found on Anthony Wiener’s laptop shifted the momentum from the Clinton camp to Trump where his supporters became re- energized with the news that Clinton could be criminally charged.  Even with the latest Comey letter, a rationale for Clinton’s loss is still almost impossible to explain unless there was some other kind of influence.  Could it be that Trump experienced a “demonic intervention” possibly exposing him as an Antichrist?

    According to the Bible, the Antichrist will be a political leader, described in the Book of Revelation as “the Beast.” He will poison the minds of his followers with half-truths, false love, and, above all else, sheer charisma. Most importantly, he will gain much of his power and influence by being endorsed by the False Prophet, a mighty religious leader with nefarious goals.

    There are two evil men involved in the end of the world and it is important to make the distinction between both individuals. The Antichrist will not be a religious leader, but an international political leader seeking to establish a new world government with the overwhelming support of a major religious leader, described in the Bible as the False Prophet. Under the guise of uniting all the people of the Earth under one global, nation and religion, the two figureheads will attempt to strip humanity of its identity, freedoms, and suspicion, ushering in an age of blind acceptance.

    I don’t wish to imply that Trump is “the” antichrist because in the Christian tradition, there does not appear to be agreement that there is necessarily one antichrist who is the anti-type of the antichrists found in Scripture. However, looking at Scripture, Donald Trump seem to fit the description of an antichrist including the fact that Christians are supporting him.

    What does the Bible say about Antichrists?  “Children, it is the last hour, and as you have heard that antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have come.  Therefore we know that it is the last hour.  They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us.  But they went out, that it might become plain that they all are not of us.”  (1 John 2:18-19 ESV)

    Does Trump reject Christ? It really doesn’t matter what Trump says about being a Christian as far as just saying, “Yes, I’m a Christian.”  If you read 1 John and 2 John then you’ll see that John is telling the church that the very people he is calling “antichrist” are claiming to be Christian but they are rejecting Christ.  Therefore, just saying, “I’m a Christian” doesn’t prevent one from being antichrist.

    Trump has said that he does not ask God for forgiveness.  Instead he just tries to make things better.  This sounds great from a worldly perspective because it appears that he is saying that he goes out and tries to correct his errors.  The problem is that this approach seem to undermine the deity of Jesus as Christ.  That Jesus is Christ means that he is the anointed one of God, he is the messiah.  In the Old Testament that term simply meant anyone who was anointed by God for any of a number of purposes.  However, in the New Testament, we see that the term has a much more developed theological meaning.  For Trump to say, “I do not ask God for forgiveness” seem to mean that he is rejecting the need of Christ as the savior and the way to God.  He is essentially saying that he, in doing his own good works, can merit a relationship with God.  Scripture teaches quite the opposite, where even Paul says, in Philippians 3 that even his good works, his zeal and his obedience to the law, were all in vain.  It was all rubbish before God because his righteousness could only come from God.

    Consider what Trump called for in his rallies.  He said he is going to make them rich.  He said he is going to punish those who have wronged them.  Trump said he is going to build a wall to keep illegals out, and he is going to negotiate better trade deals to bring back jobs, and he is going to make America great again.  In all of this, Trump basically stirs up nationalistic fervor.  And yes, this matters when you consider what a President should do.

    In my view, Trump won’t do anything to fight against the system that continuously wages war against humanity. He won’t fight the spiritual decline of America including racism, bigotry and hate because he thinks it’s a good thing. Trump has benefited from the loose morality that lets him divorce and change wives when they are no longer convenient.  He has benefited from a system that lets him buy political power and use his money to gain influence. Trump wants the system to stay in place, but he wants to be the one to pull the strings.

    Trump may be an antichrist because he wants others to worship the same system that he worships.  He wants his supporters to think that they can worship both God and mammon.  He doesn’t care to lead them directly away from Christ because he doesn’t seem to care about Christ.  He isn’t antichrist because he is intentionally waging war against the saints, but because he doesn’t regard God as important at all.

    Ultimately, Trump is not dangerous because he is immoral, but because he is amoral.  Trump has already bought into the system entirely.  He is as vacuous a candidate as there can be, giving no thought to the moral questions and the theological issues that underpin those questions.  He doesn’t care about who he hurts or what philosophy he takes, as long as it gains him power.  He may be an antichrist not because he is explicitly evil, shouting and screaming against God, but because he disregards God and morality all together.  It’s easy to fight against someone who says, “Reject Christ or die” but it is far more difficult when the person never brings up God at all and only makes promises of prosperity and happiness.  Given everything that we know about Trump and what he has led us to believe that he favors, it appears that Donald Trump could in fact be an antichrist and all Christians know their fate in the Book of Revelation, but that’s just my take.



    CHOICEOne of the most powerful words under our control is the word “choice.” Webster defines “choice” as “the opportunity or power to choose between two or more possibilities : the opportunity or power to make a decision.” Choice has been around even before mankind. In fact, God chose to provide a choice even to the angels. While the Bible does not give many details regarding the rebellion of Satan and the fallen angels, it seems that Satan—probably the greatest of all the angels (Ezekiel 28:12-18)—in pride chose to rebel against God in order to seek to become his own god. Satan (Lucifer) did not want to worship or obey God; he wanted to be God (Isaiah 14:12-14). Revelation 12:4 is understood to be a figurative description of one third of the angels choosing to follow Satan in his rebellion, becoming the fallen angels—demons.


    Unlike humanity, however, the choice the angels had to follow Satan or remain faithful to God was an eternal choice. The Bible presents no opportunity for the fallen angels to repent and be forgiven. Nor does the Bible indicate that it is possible for more of the angels to sin. The angels who remain faithful to God are described as the “elect angels” (1 Timothy 5:21). Satan and the fallen angels knew God in all His glory. For them to rebel, despite what they knew about God, was the utmost of evil. As a result, God does not give Satan and the other fallen angels the opportunity to repent. Further, the Bible gives us no reason to believe they would repent even if God gave them the chance (1 Peter 5:8). The angels had a free-will choice to make; God did not force or encourage any of the angels to sin. Satan and the fallen angels sinned of their own free will and therefore are worthy of God’s eternal wrath in the lake of fire.


    Why did God give the angels this choice when He knew what the results would be? God knew that one-third of the angels would rebel and therefore be cursed to the eternal fire. God also knew that Satan would further his rebellion by tempting humanity into sin. So, why did God allow it? The Bible does not explicitly give the answer to this question. The same can be asked of almost any evil action. Why does God allow it? Ultimately, it comes back to God’s sovereignty over His creation. The Psalmist tells us, “As for God, His way is perfect” (Psalm 18:30). If God’s ways are “perfect,” then we can trust that whatever He does—and whatever He allows—is also perfect. So the perfect plan from our perfect God was to allow sin. Our minds are not God’s mind, nor are our ways His ways, as He reminds us in Isaiah 55:8-9. God gave Adam and Eve the same choice He gave Satan and the angels to obey Him or not, but Adam and Eve disobeyed God by eating the forbidden fruit.


    God, therefore, has set the standard for “choice” and that same standard has always been an option to all of God’s creations. However, to mitigate choice, we must understand that there is at least one consequence of every choice, either good or bad. When Satan and the angels choose to disobey God, as a consequence, they were thrown out of heaven and will be thrown in the lake of fire (Revelation 20:14). A consequence of Adam and Eve’s disobedience is that they were banished from the Garden of Eden and would endure suffering and hardships.


    When David had an adulterous affair with Bathsheba and arranged to have her husband killed as a cover-up, one immediate consequence was that God took his son that resulted from that affair. When President Clinton had a sexual encounter with Monica Lewinsky, consequences included public humiliation and embarrassment for his family, and an action to remove him from office. As a consequence of George Bush’s choice to invade Iraq because of its oil resources, over 4500 Americans were killed, thousands wounded both physically and emotionally, and the start of Isis (formerly Al-Qaida). Had Coach Carroll called a run instead of pass, the Seattle Seahawks may have won the Super Bowl. Although every choice has at least one consequence, not all consequences are bad. For example, Jesus’ death on the cross resulted in his resurrection and eternal life for all who believed.


    As a Christian, I believe that abortion is wrong except when the life of the mother is in danger. However, I also believe that every woman faced with the difficult choice to abort a pregnancy is attempting to make a decision appropriate for her situation. God has given her the opportunity and authority to choose and whether we agree or not, the U.S. Supreme Court has said that abortion is legal. I consider myself to be pro-choice as well as pro-life because pro-choice does not mean nor imply pro-abortion, and federal, state or local governing authorities do not have the right to impose their choice on a woman’s right to choose. In other words, it’s really none of our business.


    i believe that capital punishment is wrong except when it is used to punish a person for killing a child. According to the Bible, Jesus places high significant on children. . “Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matthew 19:14) When a person chooses to take the life of a child, a consequence should be death because all children are precious.


    As a Christian, I believe that marriage is between one man and one woman. Some especially on the Right continue to try and convince us erroneously that same-sex marriage has something to do with religious rights, but it has everything to do with civil rights. When same-sex couples choose to marry, that choice does not affect my religious beliefs. God has not given us the right to impose our choice on others regardless of the circumstances, and while some try to vilify how others should love one another, they seem to accept the adulterous behavior and other “forbidden” actions of many. For example, the seventh commandment tells us not to commit adultery but says nothing about who a person can love. Even our forefathers understood God’s intent to provide free will when they penned these powerful words to the Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their CREATOR with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.” Thus, every American has the absolute right to pursue happiness in any way that they may choose.


    The freedom to choose is a God given right and an enormous responsibility. Each choice that we make should take into consideration that there will be consequences that can significantly impact our destiny, but that’s just my take.


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