Michele Bachmann founded the Congressional Tea Party Republican Caucus. Besides her numerous and patent lies, she voted for the Ryan budget that would end Medicare as we know it, and has said that we need to “wean” Americans off of Social Security. Michele wants to deny women the right to choose, would repeal health care reform, and reinstate Don’t Ask, Don’t tell.
Rick Perry has called Social Security a Ponzi scheme and suggested that it is unconstitutional. Perry is proud that he holds the record as the Republican Governor of a state that has executed the most people since the death penalty was reinstated. His job creation policies have widened the gap between the rich and the poor in Texas. Perry wants to repeal health care reform and once again allow insurance companies to ration health care and deny coverage to people with pre-existing conditions while health care premiums in Texas doubled under his watch.
Mitt Romney is a staunch supporter of corporate America, going as far as to claim that corporations are people. To gain favor with the Tea Party wing of the Republican Party, he has flip-flopped on health care reform and a woman’s right to choose. Once a supporter of both issues while Governor of Massachusetts, he now says he would work to repeal health care reform and supports restricting women’s reproductive freedoms. He wants to privatize Social Security and end Medicare as we know it. Romney also says that he is part of the “middle-class.”
Rick Santorum was an extreme right-wing Republican Senator until he was defeated in the 2006 congressional elections. He remains a staunch, far-right conservative, and he is battling Bachmann, Perry and Cain for Tea Party votes. He favors tax breaks for the rich, doesn’t believe in a woman’s right to choose, or that gays and lesbians should be able to serve openly in the military.
Newt Gingrich is best known for the obstructionist tactics he introduced to a Republican majority in Congress in 1995 that shut down the government and blocked progressive advances during his time as Speaker. He has gone on record to say that the President is “fundamentally out of touch with how the world works.” Newt has also pledged to reinstate policies that endanger poor women overseas, and that would deny women seeking reproductive health care certain health care services.
Herman Cain is an ultra-staunch right-wing Republican. He told Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren, “I think that they’re over this first African American President thing,” Also a Tea Party favorite, Cain has been criticized for his complete ignorance on crucial foreign policy issues. Cain won a Florida straw poll in September, which brought national attention to his campaign. Cain vehemently denies that he engaged in four cases of sexual harassment charges as alleged.
Jon Huntsman left his position in the Obama Administration as U. S. Ambassador to China to pursue the Republican Presidential Nomination. Although he has warned his rivals that the Party cannot move to the far-right, he has embraced the Tea Party and wholeheartedly endorsed Paul Ryan’s budget that would end Medicare as we know it. Huntsman reversed his support for reducing carbon emissions standards to defend our environment against climate change.
Ron Paul has been described as the “intellectual grandfather” of the Tea Party movement. In his third attempt at the Oval Office, Paul has called for harsh spending cuts, and the elimination of Social Security and Medicare, which he believes are unconstitutional programs. Ron Paul also said it could be a “positive thing” for the U.S. to default on its debt.
It is difficult for me to understand how anyone in this pathetic” group of Republican presidential candidates could ever become the nominee let alone President of the United States, but that’s just my take.
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