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    Touch Not the Lord's Anointed!
    Touch Not the Lord's Anointed


    As I was researching this subject, I came across an excellent article on “Anointed” by Dr. Thomas Williamson, so here is the final part on Touch Not the Lord’s Anointed.

    Touch Not the Lord’s Anointed” Is the Command for Today?   By: Thomas Williamson, Th.M, Ph.D. 3131 S. Archer Avenue Chicago, Ill., 60608

    The New Untouchables would have us to believe that all these sins are permitted for them, but if any lower-caste Christians dare to criticize them for these offenses, or dare to withdraw their support from preachers who sin, and advise others to withdraw their support, then we are told that they have committed the unpardonable sin -they have “Touched the Lord’s Anointed!” What a convenient double standard for the New Untouchables -they can sin greatly, while those who would never have dreamed of sinning after such a manner are condemned and made to feel like miserable wretches.

    (The lowest circle of Hell has been reserved by the New Untouchables for those who actually dare to name the names of preachers who have swerved aside from sound doctrine. We are told that there is “no redemption” for them. In that case, the Apostle Paul must be there, since he named names, warning against Hymenaeus and Alexander.)

    We should not be taken in by the pretensions of the New Untouchables. We have already seen that all Christians are the Lord’s Anointed, that all Christians are priests, and that there is an equality among all Christians, whether they are ministers or laymen. It is time for us to return to the primitive and scriptural state of things, in which all Christians are equal, having only one master, even Christ. “But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren.” (Matthew 23:8.) “Ye ere bought with a price; be not ye the servants of men.” (1 Corinthians 7:23.)

    Yes, the Command is For Today

    The command, “Touch not the Lord’s Anointed” is for today. In 2 Corinthians 11:19-20, Paul warns against religious leaders who would take advantage of believers: “For ye suffer fools gladly, seeing ye yourselves are wise. For ye suffer, if a man bring you into bondage, if a man devour you, if a man take of you, if a man exalt himself, if a man smite you on the face.”

    Today, among some preachers, it is considered a mark of distinction that they are able to bring their followers into bondage, devour them, take of them, exalt themselves, and smite or abuse their followers. They brag about this sort of thing in their preacher’s meetings, and conduct pastor’s schools to teach others how to do it and get away with it. But notice what Paul calls such men – he calls them Fools! In the context, it is clear that he is not talking about laymen abusing preachers, although that is also wrong. Here he is talking about preachers who abuse and misuse laymen, and according to Paul, such preachers are fools.

    To those who would smite God’s people in the face, the command of God is “Touch Not the Lord’s Anointed!”

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    This is Part IV of the excellent article on TOUCH NOT THE LORD’S ANOINTED .  The final part tomorrow

    ANOINTED” Is the Command for Today?   By: Thomas Williamson, Th.M, Ph.D. 3131 S. Archer Avenue Chicago, Ill., 60608


    (It is said that our founding father Thomas Jefferson developed his concepts of democracy and equality from attendance at a Baptist church near his home in Virginia, and from observing their business meetings. If Thomas Jefferson could visit a modern American church, would he find an equality of the brethren, or a Saddam Hussein-style dictatorship?)

    The preacher or evangelist who thunders forth with the command “Touch not the Lord’s anointed” intends thereby to silence and shut the mouths of all who might find fault with his doctrines or methods, no matter how unscriptural they may be, He is a man with much to hide, a man who cannot bear to have his deeds and his ways openly examined and compared with what the Word of God teaches.

    Such a man is very self-centered, selfish, soulish, and in the final analysis childish. A small child must have everything his own way, and cannot bear to be challenged, contradicted or denied anything he demands. He feels that the world should revolve around him, and that all should cater to his wishes. The dictatorial preacher is no different; his followers must devote themselves entirely to his service, going around on tiptoes for fear of offending him in any way, while he feels free to offend all. Little or no time or effort is left with which to serve Christ, after the followers have served the ego and the cravings of their pastor. How is an insecure, immature man who lives in dread that somewhere there is someone who dares to differ with him on some minor issue. Christ has appointed believers to liberty, Galatians 5:1, but the dictatorial preacher robs his followers of all their liberty.

    The moment anyone objects to such immature conduct, or to the fleecing of the tithe money of God’s people, or the lapses in moral standards and doctrinal soundness, the preacher responds, “Touch not the Lord’s anointed!” How silly – no one has threatened to slay them with a sword, as was done to Saul. It is time for such preachers to grow up. We would all object, and quite rightly, to any powerful layman who attempted to take control of a local church and to force all the other members to follow his will without question. For a layman to lord it over the church is wrong and out of the question. For the pastor to do so is equally wrong.

    This is made quite clear by the words of Jesus in Matthew 20:25-27: “But JESUS called them unto him (the Apostles) and said, Ye know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them, and they that are great exercise authority upon them. But it shall not be so among you: but whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister; And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant.” The same thought appears in the parallel passages of Mark 10:42-44 and Luke 22:25-26. In 1 Peter 5:2-3 we read, “Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof’, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind; Neither as being lords over God’s heritage, but being ensamples to the flock.”

    A New Caste of Untouchables

    The effect, if not the purpose, of the new emphasis on the exalted rights of ordained ministers, is to create a new class of “Untouchables.” Unlike the Untouchables of India, who are at the bottom of society, the new Untouchables are at the top of Christian society, taking advantage of their sheepish followers at will, clobbering them anytime they want to, while they themselves cannot be touched. They will reign like kings, living the life of Riley while their riled subjects have no choice but to bow down and obey.

    If all this seems rather extreme, then consider a very incomplete list of some of the offenses committed by this incipient class of Untouchables here in the United States:

    Acts of adultery by famous televangelists and Christian celebrities. Diversion of tax-exempt funds given for the preaching of the Gospel, to be used instead to pay off mistresses and paramours. Prayer requests thrown out in the garbage unread, after donations have been extracted from the letters. Converts sent to Roman Catholic churches and other churches which openly deny evangelical doctrines. Wild prophetic speculations, including date setting for the Second Coming of Christ, exposing evangelical religion to ridicule and contempt when the predictions fail to come true. False claims to receiving direct revelations from God, when the preacher is only quoting from the notes of the heretical Dake’s Study Bible. Bizarre false teaching, such as that there are nine persons of the Trinity, that Christ was not God, that all men are gods, that Christ went to Hell and was born again there, etc. Bullying and intimidation of church members and followers. Teaching that to be born again is to recover one’s lost self-esteem, or that it can be achieved in a mechanical manner by repeating a few words or coming forward in a meeting, with no conviction of the Holy Spirit. High-pressure, unethical fund raising tactics, and waste of funds to purchase ostentatious luxury items for the preacher.


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    This is the third part of an excellent article by Dr. Thomas Williamson on this subject.  Part IV will e posted tomorrow.

    Touch Not the Lord’s Anointed” Is the Command for Today?   By: Thomas Williamson, Th.M, Ph.D. 3131 S. Archer Avenue Chicago, Ill., 60608

    Some pastors seem to have the idea that because they are ordained to the ministry, they are on a higher and more exalted level than their followers, but at the same time they are to be held to a lower level of standard of conduct. Because they are preachers, they say, it is inevitable that they will offend people, and they are not going to try to avoid giving offenses, because if they did, they would have to stop preaching.

    This is the very opposite of the teaching of the Word of God, which insists that preachers are to be held to a higher standard of conduct than their people: “Be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.” (1 Timothy 4:12.) “My brethren, be not many masters, knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation. For in many things we offend all.” (James 3:1-2.)

    Where do Baptists Stand?

    This writer is a Baptist, and historically, the Baptist ministers have not held themselves to be on a higher and more exalted level than their people, but have regarded themselves as being on the same level before God as their members. Sad to say, some Baptist preachers have now begun to elevate themselves above their people, and to claim a higher privilege of rank. If anyone does not bow to their claims and allow them to rule over the people, then they accuse such detractors of “Touching the Lord’s anointed.” Perhaps such modern-day Baptist popes have been watching too many charismatic preachers on the boob tube.

    As an antidote to such deluded thinking, allow me to quote from a few respected Baptist authors on the subject. First, from D.B. Ray, and his book Baptist Succession – A Handbook of Baptist History,published in 1912:

    “Thus we find that the elders are to rule by example and by feeding the flock of Christ. Whatever may be the different gifts or offices in the Church of Christ, no member has a right to claim the pre-eminence in the execution of the laws of Christ. The very fact that the ministers or elders are chosen or ordained by the churches, proves that they are inferior in point of authority to the churches which have invested them with the ministerial office. The apostles themselves only claimed to be servants of the churches, for Paul said, ‘We preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord, and ourselves your servants for Jesus’ sake.’ 2 Corinthians 4:5. The only way to become great in the kingdom is to be a great servant. Every minister is equal in point of privilege with every other member of the church; but, as a minister in his official capacity, he is subject to, and inferior to the church. His individual acts or decisions have no more binding force than those of any other member.” (Pp. 227-228.)

    Then we turn to the book Baptists, Thorough Reformers, by John Quincy Adams (not the sixth president of the United States, but a Baptist author of the late 19th century) who wrote:

    “The principles of church government in the Baptist denomination are expressed in the text: ‘One is your Master,even Christ and all we are brethren.’ There is no opportunity for the assumption of authority by a few, if it were desired. All meet on the broad, even platform of equality. The rich and the poor, the minister, deacons, and people, are all brethren. The pastor is no more; the poorest member is no lees, than one of the brethren. Each church, in its collective capacity, transacts its own business, exercises its own discipline, and receives and excludes its own members, subject only to the authority of Christ, and governed by His Word…. In a Baptist church there is perfect equality. It could not be otherwise. They recognize the church as a voluntary organization, into which persons enter by their own choice, and whose privileges and benefits all have an equal right to share. Christ has nowhere delegated his authority to a body of arrogant ministers, or prelatical bishops, or blasphemous popes; and Christians have no right to recognize and uphold the assumption of authority by them. It is not a matter of indifference. To support the assumptions of men, who have arrogated to themselves authority which belongs only to Christ, is to engage with them in rebellion against the one only Master; and where this is done knowingly, such cannot be held guiltless.”

    This is the historic Baptist position. The rise, among Baptists, of preachers who demand for themselves a position of dictatorship and lordship over the Lord’s church, and who defend themselves by crying, “Touch not the Lord’s anointed,” is a relatively recent development. It is not by any means a distinctively Baptist problem. The same tendency is arising among many denominations. It is the way of all flesh, the way of pride, of desire to dominate, desire to have the preeminence, a desire that goes back at least as far as the infamous Diotrephes, who took control of the church membership roll for himself, as some preachers do today (3 John 9, 10).


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