Category: What’s Up!


    Many people who work a job that requires them to exert their bodies physically throughout the day imagine that it would be very nice and easy to instead work a job that allowed them to simply sit at a desk, as they think that such a job would in no way cause them to get tired because of the fact that their body would be allowed to simply sit and rest. But although your body certainly does not get nearly as tired when you are working a desk job, it is also true that your mind has a tendency to get more tired when you are working a desk job, which can make it far more difficult for you to stay awake throughout the day and continue to be productive.

    For this reason, it is useful to know some of the best ways to keep yourself awake while you are at work; of course, there are lots of different methods for doing this, but if you want to keep yourself awake at work, one of the best things to do is take frequent breaks, as standing up and walking around and giving your mind a moment to rest will make it much easier for you to continue working hard for another long stretch.


    One reason why your mind tends to get tired while you are sitting there working is that your blood is not flowing as well if you are sitting still all day; in addition to taking breaks to walk around, you should also stand every once in a while – and the great thing about standing every once in a while is that you can still get your work done while standing at your desk!

    And finally, preparing in advance for work is one of the most important aspects of staying awake while at work, which means that you should always make sure you are getting enough food and water – as well as enough sleep – before you go into work, and  you should also make sure you bring enough food and water with you to work so these can carry you through the day!

    You will find that it is much easier for you to stay awake while at work if you follow these tips – continuing to work hard throughout the entire day.



    This is Part II of, “Is Herman Cain In Trouble?” I concluded Part I discussing Cain‘s  interview on Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren’s show on what led to the sexual harassment accusation.

    When van Susteren further asked about “the financial settlement,” Cain said, “My general counsel said this started out where she and her lawyer were demanding a huge financial settlement.  I don’t remember a number.  But then he said because there was no basis for this, we ended up settling for what would have been a termination settlement.” When asked how much money was involved, Cain said, “Maybe three months’ salary. I don’t remember. It might have been two months. I do remember my general counsel saying we didn’t pay all of the money they demanded.”  Within hours, Herman Cain and his campaign went from denial and a refusal to comment to admitting there was a problem while consistently declining to respond directly about whether or not he ever faced allegations of sexual harassment at the NRA and whether there were financial settlements in two cases in which women filed complaints.

    Politico has stated that in one case, they have seen documentation describing the allegations about Cain and showing that NRA formally resolved the matter with both women receiving separation financial packages in the five-figure range.  Politico has also stated that they have a half-dozen sources shedding light on Cain’s allegedly inappropriate behavior with the two women.  According to Politico, the incidents included conversations allegedly filled with innuendo or personal questions of a sexually suggestive nature, taking place at hotels during conferences, at other officially sanctioned restaurant association events and at the association’s offices. There were also descriptions of physical gestures that were not overtly sexual but that made women who experienced or witnessed them uncomfortable and that they regarded as improper in a professional relationship.

    There are now apparently four (4) women who have allegedly been the subjects of inappropriate comments by Herman Cain.  Two of the women worked for Cain when he was head of NRA and settled with the organization after filing a complaint.  A third woman who worked there at the same time told the Associated Press that she didn’t file a complaint but believed that Cain acted inappropriately and made her uncomfortable. The woman, who did not want to be identified, said Cain invited her to his corporate apartment.  A fourth claim came from pollster Chris Wilson, a Perry supporter and former NRA employee, who said Cain had made inappropriate comments to a woman while at a group dinner in Arlington, Va.  Cain continues to say that he is only aware of one sexual harassment complaint, that he was falsely accused, and blames his opponents and the media for stirring the pot.

    On Wednesday, November 2, 2011, Mark Block, Cain’s Campaign Manager, accused Perry’s campaign of being behind the release of the stories. “This is one of the actions in America that is the reason why people don’t get involved in politics,” Block said in an exclusive interview with Fox News.”  “The actions of the Perry campaign are despicable.”  “Rick Perry and his campaign owe Herman Cain and his family an apology,” Block added.  The Perry campaign disavows any connection to the story, calling Block’s charge “reckless and false.”

    “For a candidate and campaign that claim to be the victims of unfounded and unproven accusations, they are awfully quick to hurl unfounded accusations themselves,” Perry campaign spokesman Ray Sullivan said in email. “Contrary to the Cain campaign’s false accusations, there is not one shred of evidence that any member of the Perry team had anything to do with the recent stories regarding Herman Cain — because it isn’t true.”  Sullivan also noted that supporters of Mitt Romney’s campaign are connected to the NRA although the Romney campaign responded simply that any suggestion it pushed the Cain story is “not true.”

    Although the Cain campaign has been dealing with the sexual harassment charges since they were first released, their problems are further exacerbated by possible violations of campaign finance and tax implications.   Cain’s campaign also faces questions about tens of thousands of dollars in expenses that were paid by Prosperity USA, an organization claiming 501(c)(3) charity status with the IRS that is barred by law from political activities.   Prosperity USA apparently paid $40,000 in expenses, including bills for chartered planes, iPads and other items, according to financial documents exposed by the Milwaukee-Wisconsin Journal Sentinel.  Cain’s campaign disclosure reports failed to list these payments as debts or in-kind contributions. The newspaper said the financial documents of the charity indicate that $37,372 is “due from FOH” which stands for Friends of Herman Cain, the campaign committee for the candidate. It is not known if the campaign repaid the money.

    Prosperity USA was established in 2010 by Mark Block, Cain’s campaign chief of staff and Linda Hansen, the deputy chief of staff.  The organization paid approximately $17,000 for chartered flights and $15,000 for a trip to Atlanta, according to records cited by the Milwaukee paper.  Block was the Wisconsin state leader of Americans for Prosperity; the grassroots conservative advocacy group started in 2004 with donations from the billionaire Koch brothers. It has 501(c)(4) status and can accept unlimited contributions from donors without disclosure, as long as the funds are not spent primarily on politics.

    Cain says that he is an associate minister at Antioch Baptist Church North in Atlanta, Georgia.  Sexual harassment is a despicable action by anyone especially ministers because we look up to them as role models.  As a Christian, minister of the gospel and Presidential candidate, Herman Cain should be held accountable for his actions, but that’s just my take.

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    People use YouTube in a number of ways; some people use it to get famous, some people use it just for fun, and some people use it for their business. Regardless of the way you yourself are using YouTube, it is not a very helpful tool if you are posting videos that do not get any hits. It is important that you figure out how to get hits on your videos – especially if you are using YouTube to promote your business!

    Of course, if you want your YouTube video to get hits, it has to be something that people will want to share with others. This is the magic of YouTube – the fact that a video can be posted only once, but that other people can spread it around until it has been seen all over. One of the keys to making videos that people will spread around is making videos that are actually relevant. This does not meant that you need to be inauthentic or “hip” in some way in your videos; it just means your videos need to be something people care about! If you run a business, this “something people care about” can be as simple as a promotion or a message to your customers.


    Of course, it certainly will not hurt for your video to be funny – after all, funny videos get spread around much more quickly! Short videos also tend to do better than long ones – and even though this can be difficult to stick to, it is also important. Short videos are much easier to watch, and with them it is much easier to leave your viewers wanting more. Viewers are much more likely to want to watch a video again and again if you leave them wanting more, which is why this is another one of the big keys.

    The emergence of YouTube has been a huge benefit to those companies who have figured out how to employe it in an effective manner. And you will be well on your way to employing YouTube in an effective manner yourself, once you begin to follow these tips.