Category: What’s Up!


    At the same time the internet was introduced to the world so was a new way to generate an income. Over the years many internet domains have risen and fallen from the pinnacle of money making online. Google and groupon are a few sites that have been able to stick. Making money online consistently and over the long haul must be done by initially learning from the sites that have already experienced it. One of the best ways to learn the secrets of others who have had successful online businesses is by reading a book detailing them.

    Internet Riches The Simple Money-Making Secrets of Online Millionaires is a book that was written by Scott Fox. Many of the most successful online businesses are detailed and so are the many avenues they used to do so. He starts with the idea of an instant online business. This means that the business will not require you to invest any money into it up front. You can thrive with this business on the internet and avoid putting up capital on your end.

    He then moves into ways in which you can simply and cheaply market this business online. Different techniques are explored that allow ones business to be marketed without paying a company. These can include offering advertising space on your site in exchange for space on another. It also can include some time on your part taking a spot inside of blogs or forums that focus on the line of business you are in.

    Scott explores the different areas of the internet that he believes will explode going forward. The now prevalent mobile devices with internet abilities is one area that he believes will present a great opportunity. The internet is accessed with ease on net books as well as most mobile phones that are sold today. A business can take advantage of the mobile internet with new table computers that have been released too. Going online with a mobile device is becoming the most popular way to access the internet, so take notice.

    @@AMAZONTEXT;0814409954;Internet Riches The Simple Money Making Secrets of Online Millionaires@@


    Additional examples of Gingrich’s history of flip-flops through the years:

    Paul Ryan’s Budget Plan:

    • Flip: “I don’t think right-wing social engineering is any more desirable than left-wing social engineering. I don’t think imposing radical change from the right or the left is a very good way for a free society to operate.” — May 15, 2011
    • Flop: “I made a mistake. And I called Paul Ryan today, who’s a very close personal friend and I said that. The fact is that I have supported what Ryan has tried to do on the budget.” — May 17, 2011


    • Flip: “Exercise a no-fly zone this evening … Provide help to the rebels to replace [Qaddafi] … All we have to say is that we think that slaughtering your own citizens is unacceptable and that we’re intervening. And we don’t have to send troops. All we have to do is suppress his air force, which we could do in minutes.” — March 7, 2011
    • Flop: “I would not have intervened. I think there were a lot of other ways to affect Qaddafi…I would not have used American and European forces.” — March 23, 2011

    Criminal Court Trials for Suspected Terrorists:

    • Flip: “Well, I think if [members of the Bush administration] believe they have enough evidence to convict [Jose Padilla], going through the process of convicting him and holding him, I suspect, may be for the rest of his life without parole would not be — would hardly be seen as a loss. I think this administration is still wrestling with what are the real ground rules for dealing with people who are clearly outside of normal warfare? They’re not wearing a uniform. They’re not part of an army. They are openly threatening to kill thousands or even millions of people.” — November 22, 2005
    • Flop: “Why would you take a Nigerian national who just tried to blow up a plane over Detroit … Why would you take that person, put them in the American criminal justice system, give them an attorney, read them their Miranda rights? — January 4, 2010

    Since ending his relationship with Freddie Mac in 2008, Gingrich has become a major critic of both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.  However, according to a recent article in Bloomberg News, Newt Gingrich made between $1.6 million and $1.8 million in consulting fees from two contracts with Freddie Mac.  This amount is significantly larger than the $300,000 payment from Freddie Mac that Gingrich was asked about during the Republican presidential debate on Nov. 9, and more than was disclosed in the middle of congressional investigations into the housing industry collapse. When asked at the debate what he did to earn a $300,000 payment in 2006, Gingrich said he “offered them advice on precisely what they didn’t do,” and warned the company that its lending practices were “insane,” a comment disputed by former Freddie Mac executives. Gingrich also said that the payments were for “strategic advice over a long period of time” and that his fees were sent to his consulting firm, not to him personally.  Gingrich’s first contract with Freddie Mac was in 1999, five months after he resigned from Congress and as House speaker and he was paid a monthly retainer of well over $25,000.

    Personally, because of Newt’s baggage, I believe that his favorable explosion in the polls is temporary and as quickly as it started, that’s how quickly it will end, but that’s just my take.

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    Although many people imagine working from home would be an absolute dream, they are usually surprised – if this dream comes true – to find that it is more work than they expected. One of the toughest parts of working from home is the fact that you have to remain disciplined to work. If you are unable to remain disciplined, you might find yourself still working far later into the night than you planned to, as you finish up your work from the day. And if you begin working at home, you may actually find that not being home is sometimes the best way to “work from home.”

    @@CBTEXT;MRM11281;Work From Home Opportunities@@!

    You will need to make sure you go to a place that has internet when it comes to picking from all the available places that are good for working. After all, you will probably need a connection to the internet in order to do your work if your work allows you to work from home.

    Even though it is easy to find places where free internet is offered – places such as Borders, Barnes & Noble, and Panera – you will also want to test the internet. Oftentimes, at these places where many people are using the internet at once, it can be extremely unreliable. What you will probably find is that the best internet connection is at such places as Panera Bread Company or Atlanta Bread Company – during the time of day not considered “peak hours.” At these places, “peak hours” falls between about 11 in the morning and 2 in the afternoon – basically, right around lunch time. Although this might seem to be a bit inconvenient, considering that it falls right in the middle of the day, it is actually perfect. After all, you can end up in the same “work rut” if you work in the same place every day, all day as you could end up in at home!

    @@CBTEXT;AECORP;Work From Your Own Home Office@@!

    You should typically try to work from home as much as you can, when you are working from home. But you should also know where all the places are around you that would be good for working away from home, as this will allow you to easily “escape” to these places at those times when it becomes difficult to focus at home!