Category: What’s Up!


    At some stage in your life, you’ve probably been told not to count your chickens before they hatch. You were probably told to not get your hopes up and to not expect too much – just in case you might be disappointed. For many of us this, or some variation of it, was told to us over and over again by well meaning but ill informed people. From an early age the idea of staying in an emotional “safe zone” was instilled in most of us until it eventually became belief systems that now control our behavior.

    We live in a culture where the predominant psychology is based in fear. The fear of loss drives and motivates most people’s decisions and behaviors. From this mindset the culture invented mechanisms to protect itself and saying like “don’t count your chickens before they hatch” is but only and illustration of how the culture prepares and “grooms” us from an early age to settle for the lowest denominator. “Go for the lowest and easiest to make sure that you at least get something.” “Don’t expect too much, just in case you don’t get anything at all.” From this mindset we lose all our power; the power that is born in the belief that we are indeed worthy of all the success and all the abundance that we can possibly dream of.

    Expectation is indeed one of the most powerful resources that we possess.  An intense anticipation can transform possibility into reality. One of the biggest reasons why many people never get to live their dreams is because they lack the motivation to follow their dreams. The real purpose of a goal is to act like a directional mechanism that guides our life in a specific direction. A strong and exciting goal has the power to motivate and inspire us. When we fuel this goal with expectation we set in motion an unstoppable force that will give us that internal drive that will enable us to create virtually anything we desire. When we count our chickens before they hatch we create a sense of excitement and enthusiasm that has immense power to motivate us. Success and achievement are rarely the result of our ability but rather the product of our motivation; of our ability to consistently take action on our dreams and goals.

    Expectation is not the same as hope. Most people hope that one day they will get what they really want or that one day they will get lucky and all their dreams will come true. Hoping is nothing but a weak prayer. Hoping always includes success and failure while expectation is solely fixed on one single outcome. When we count our chickens before they hatched we nurture our expectation; we make it stronger and most importantly, we make it real. It is a fixity of purpose where no one or no-thing can throw us off course. When we create that intense feeling of expectation we not only imagine having what we want but we start to create the feeling of already having it.

    Whatever we expect with certainty will become our own self fulfilling prophecy. We all long for certainty on some level. For most people certainty comes from seeing and experiencing things before they “believe” it. This is why they keep re-creating and experiencing the same old things over and over again. When we use our mind, our emotions and our imagination to create the certainty within us, then anything is possible. Expectation goes beyond hoping.  We want to be like the little kid on Christmas who knows that he’s getting a new bike, but he has to wait until Christmas morning before he can actually feel and touch it.

    Have you ever ordered something really exciting and then had to wait for it in the mail? You knew you were going to get it and you anxiously await the moment of delivery. You anticipate the moment where the image in your mind’s eye becomes real and where you can touch it, even though the imaginary experience felt just as real. This is what expectation really is. It is getting excited in advance. It is feeling the feelings in advance. It is the most powerful motivator there is. Expectation, fueled by emotion, acts like a vacuum within us. It is like a thirst that forms a burning desire that we will do anything to fulfill. This is when our “should”  becomes “must” and when it is a must we will get it.

    With expectation we can start to transform our perception of life because we no longer hope for what we want, we expect it to come along any second. There are no more doubts and no more hoping. There is only a knowing and a feeling of certainty. When we know something we can stop doubting and questioning. Now, every situation becomes an opportunity to receive our goal. Every person becomes a player in the process and every problem becomes a stepping stone towards the realization of our dreams. You have that certainty that the outcome is resolved and that we are merely in the process; waiting for “Christmas morning” to come.

    We have to let go of the mentality that is based on the fear of loss; the mentality that is grounded in the belief that we are not worthy of having it all. Let go of the beliefs that you might be disappointed when you give it your all and it doesn’t work out. All they do is to lock you up in a world where you never even “try” just because you might not make it. If anything you want to overestimate your abilities. Over estimate your capability. When you feel like you are running up a hill that is too steep, don’t turn back and run down hill. Instead, up the prize for getting to the top. Make the reward more compelling and you will find within yourself a strength that was previously unavailable. This is how you access your real resources, those resources that lie asleep within you waiting to be called upon. Nothing of significant value has ever been created without enthusiasm.

    Do whatever it takes to “count” your chickens; whatever it takes to create the feeling of already having it. If you have goals you need to start living them and the way you do that is to build your expectation. Do whatever it takes to create the feeling of already having it. Make it real. The legendary musician, Jackson Browne, once said that whenever he gets nominated for an award he always expects to win even when he is the underdog. He always prepares a victory speech. What is your victory speech? How can you prepare for what you desire most from life? What can you do to make it real? Most people plan to fail by never expecting to succeed. Remember that your results will rarely exceed your expectations.








    KOCHCharles and David Koch are two of the most powerful individuals in America but also two of the most dangerous and anti-Americans in recent times.  Because of their enormous wealth, they have been able to influence the outcome of political elections and legislation at both the national and state levels.

    The Koch brothers own Koch Industries, a conglomerate headquartered in Wichita, Kansas, whose annual revenues are estimated at hundred billion dollars.  Since their father, Fred, died, in 1967, and the brothers took over, the Koch Empire has expanded.   The Koch Brothers operate oil refineries in Alaska, Texas, and Minnesota, and control about four thousand miles of pipeline. Koch Industries owns Brawny paper towels, Dixie cups, Georgia-Pacific lumber, Stainmaster carpet, and Lycra, among other products. Forbes ranks it as the second-largest private company in the country and its consistent profitability has made David and Charles Koch among the richest men in America. Their combined fortune of thirty-five billion dollars is exceeded only by Bill Gates and Warren Buffett.

    As longtime libertarians, the Koch Brothers believe in significantly lower personal and corporate taxes, minimal social services for the needy and less oversight especially environmental regulation.  A study conducted by the University of Massachusetts at Amherst’s Political Economy Research Institute named Koch Industries one of the top ten air polluters in the United States.   The Greenpeace report showed that from 2005 to 2008, the Koch Brothers gave more money than ExxonMobil to organizations fighting legislation related to climate change, underwriting a huge network of foundations, think tanks, and political front groups. The Koch Brothers have funded opposition campaigns against many the Obama Administration policies from health-care reform to the economic-stimulus program.

    Koch Industries issued a statement that the Greenpeace report “distorts the environmental record of our companies.”  David Koch recently complained that the “radical press” had turned his family into “whipping boys,” and had exaggerated its influence on American politics. However, Charles Lewis, founder of the nonpartisan watchdog group, Center for Public Integrity said, “The Koch Brothers are on a whole different level. There’s no one else who has spent this much money. The sheer dimension of it is what sets them apart. They have a pattern of lawbreaking, political manipulation, and obfuscation. I’ve been in Washington since Watergate, and I’ve never seen anything like it. They are the Standard Oil of our times.”

    Here are a few of the Koch Brothers un-American deeds:

    • Documents and interviews unearthed by Brave New Foundation researchers illustrate a 28.4 million Koch effort that has manufactured 297 opinions and commentaries, 200 reports, 56 studies and six books distorting Social Security’s effectiveness and purpose. This is just one example of the vast industry comprised of Koch brothers’ spokespeople, front groups, think tanks, academics and elected officials, which has built a self-sustaining echo chamber to transform fringe ideas into popular mainstream public policy arguments.
    • Because of their vast political influence, the Koch Brothers have either purchased or attempted to purchase free and fair elections. The brothers have funded efforts suppress 21 million Americans from voting as Koch dollars influenced the writing and adopting of voting suppression bills in 38 states.
    •  Americans for Prosperity, funded by the Koch Brothers, led the effort to remake a successful school diversity policy in Wake County, NC; which was the model framework for many school districts across the country.  The 2009 school board election provided the Koch brothers’ front group an opportunity to lay the groundwork for candidates who advocate for re-segregation, or in Jim Crow terms “neighborhood schools.”  The Wake County residents rose-up against their segregationist policies and successfully removed them during the following School Board election.
    • As previously noted, Koch Industries is among the top ten worst air polluters in the United States.  Georgia Pacific, a Koch Industries subsidiary in located in Arkansas, is one of the largest manufacturers of the human carcinogen, formaldehyde. While the Koch brothers wage war against safety precautions, this factory is dumping millions of gallons of waste water into streams that flow near a small rural town on a daily basis. The surrounding area is noticeably affected by air pollution especially in a minority neighborhood now dying of cancer. The brave community members of Crossett give powerful testimony to how they believe their health is being ravaged by a Koch Industries plant.
    • The Koch Brothers and its employees are the single largest oil and gas donors to the House Energy and Commerce Committee.  With abundant evidence linking the Koch business to the Canadian tar sands, the Koch Brothers refuse to testify in Congress about their financial interest in the Keystone Pipeline. Of course, the allies in Congress purchased by the Koch Brothers are doing their best to stall and remove oversight.
    • At a time when state and local governments are slashing higher education funding, the Charles Koch Charitable Foundation has given more than14.39 million in grants to over 150 universities.  In return, some of these campuses are required to hire professors and other candidates who adhere to Koch-defined ideological guidelines and views.

    A record amount of money was spent on the recall election in Wisconsin, thanks to the Citizens United decision, which paved the way to unlimited corporate and union spending on elections.  Governor Scott Walker raised $30.5 million dollars; most of which came from the Koch Brothers.  Walker’s opponent, Tom Barrett, raised 3.9 million primarily from small donors.  As a result, Walker won his recall reelection by a sizable majority.

    It is estimated that the Koch Brothers and other right-wing organizations spent over 1 Billion dollars to “purchase” the 2012 elections.  This past January, the Koch Brothers held another of their secret meetings with wealthy conservatives at a lush resort in Palm Springs, California, for the purpose of raising funds.  With the re-election of Barack Obama, the American people did not allow the 2012 elections to be purchased.  What about the 2014 elections?

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    Don’t get me wrong, almost all of us love Google. It has single-handedly changed the direction of the industry to something that is accessible for everyone. However, while Google is the darling poster child of Wall Street and the general public, there lurks a danger of abuse. I will cover this in a bit, but first let’s look at a few years ago when the World Wide Web was still a novel concept.

    We had a handful of methods of finding information. They were so-called search engines. Their names were Yahoo, Excite, Lycos, and of course Alta Vista. If someone wanted to find a piece of information on this “World Wide Web”, they would enter their keywords into one of the above named search engines and would then begin the long arduous process of sorting through a lot of garbage before finding what they were looking for. Somewhere along the way, each of these companies got it into their corporate heads that what people wanted was even more fluff thrown at them.

    This is when they became portals instead of search engines. Instead of offering just search results for what we were looking for, we now had stock quotes, weather reports, movie reviews, news reports, health tips, beauty tips, sports scores, horoscopes, dating tips, entertainment gossip, shopping links, financial hints, games, and lastly ads. Lots of ads. In the late nineties, enter Google, which had a very simple vision and unique philosophy.

    While every portal was busy trying to deliver us critical information about when to kiss our date and how to shave our pet, Google was refining its search algorithms to make it so it would yield our searched keywords in a more efficient fashion without us having to endure that arduous process of sifting through garbage data. This coupled with the unique philosophy of do-no-evil, garnered them much deserved attention and fame.

    Their approach to a lot of the services they now do to this day is very well executed. Some would argue that they’ve become what they said they wouldn’t become in the beginning, which is a portal. However, if you really think about it, they did this in such an elegant and well thought out system. The entire portal features are completely optional, those that do not wish to utilize them, are not forced to look at it or participate in it.

    However, as good as the methods and intentions of Google may be, there is indeed a danger to our continued dependency on them. If you use Google regularly, then you more than likely have a Google Account with them and utilize one of their specialized services. One of the automatic ones is that they hold your search history for you by default. Every time you run a Google query, it is recorded and stored by Google for your convenience at a later date.

    It even records what sites you jump to from the Google search list. As our dependency on Google increases, we are putting all of our eggs in one basket per se. We trust Google with a lot of information about our personal lives. After all, why should we think twice about a company who has a philosophy of Do-No-Evil and actively shows its good intentions to the technology community? Perhaps we should be thinking twice about it though. It may not be Google that we have to worry about, but rather, the governments of the world. If they are able to tap into Google via legal means to garner information about its own citizens, then this is a serious breach of privacy and security. A current example of this is still ongoing in the United States of America.

    In 2005, Robert Petrick, an American citizen, was found guilty for the murder of his wife. A terrible act that should go punished. However, the interesting portion is how their prime evidence against him was obtained via Google, in which it was found that he searched for terms such as neck and snap days before the murder took place. I’m not here defending his acts, I along with mostly everyone else believe that murder is not an act to be taken lightly and the man, if guilty, should be prosecuted and sentenced to the fullest extent of the law. But my point is here that it is possible for the government to tap into Google to research about their own citizens.

    The possibilities of abuse here are paramount. Google is unable to really defend our privacy in this regard, as they must comply with the law and divulge our information. Next time you Google, remember that they record it. After all, searches can be quite telling of the person and their current intentions.