Why Joe Biden Will Be Remembered as a Great President and Donald Trump as One of the Worst!

The legacy of a president is shaped by their impact on the nation and the world, their ability to navigate crises, and the long-term effects of their policies. When evaluating the presidencies of Joe Biden and Donald Trump, a stark contrast emerges; one that may very well lead to Biden being remembered as a great president while Trump is regarded as one of the worst.

Joe Biden: A Steady Hand in Turbulent Times!

1. Restoring Stability and Decency: Joe Biden’s presidency has been marked by a return to traditional norms of decency and stability. In the aftermath of a contentious and divisive Trump administration, Biden has emphasized unity, empathy, and respect for democratic institutions. His calm and measured approach has helped to cool the political temperature and restore a sense of normalcy in American governance.

2. Handling the COVID-19 Pandemic: Biden’s administration made significant strides in combating the COVID-19 pandemic. Through a robust vaccination campaign, effective public health messaging, and economic support measures like the American Rescue Plan, Biden helped steer the country towards recovery. His administration’s emphasis on science and expert guidance restored public trust in health institutions and laid the groundwork for future pandemic preparedness.

3. Economic Recovery and Growth: Under Biden, the U.S. economy has seen substantial growth and recovery. The passage of the American Jobs Plan and the American Families Plan aimed to modernize infrastructure, invest in clean energy, and support working families. These initiatives not only spurred economic growth but also addressed long-standing inequities, positioning the economy for sustainable development.

4. Climate Change Leadership: Biden reasserted the United States’ leadership in combating climate change by rejoining the Paris Agreement and setting ambitious targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. His administration’s focus on clean energy and environmental justice represents a pivotal shift towards a sustainable future, with potential global implications for climate policy.

5. Protecting Democracy: In the face of threats to democratic norms, Biden has been a staunch defender of voting rights and the integrity of elections. His administration’s efforts to pass legislation like the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and the Freedom to Vote Act underscore a commitment to safeguarding the democratic process.

Donald Trump: A Legacy of Division and Controversy!

1. Undermining Democratic Norms: Trump’s presidency was characterized by repeated attacks on democratic institutions and norms. His refusal to accept the results of the 2020 election and the subsequent insurrection at the Capitol on January 6, 2021, were unprecedented assaults on American democracy. These actions have left a lasting stain on his legacy and eroded trust in the electoral process.

2. Mishandling the COVID-19 Pandemic: Trump’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic was widely criticized for its inconsistency and politicization. His administration’s downplaying of the virus, mixed messages on public health measures, and failure to coordinate a comprehensive federal response contributed to unnecessary loss of life and economic disruption.

3. Economic Disruption and Inequality: While Trump touted economic achievements, his administration’s tax cuts primarily benefited the wealthy and corporations, exacerbating income inequality. The trade wars, particularly with China, resulted in economic uncertainty and harm to American farmers and manufacturers. The long-term economic impacts of these policies are still unfolding.

4. Polarization and Division: Trump’s rhetoric and actions frequently stoked division and resentment. His administration’s approach to issues like immigration, race relations, and social justice often deepened societal rifts. The rise in hate crimes and the emboldening of extremist groups during his tenure have had troubling implications for national unity and social cohesion.

5. Environmental Rollbacks: Trump’s presidency saw significant rollbacks of environmental regulations, undermining efforts to combat climate change and protect natural resources. His withdrawal from the Paris Agreement and support for fossil fuel industries set back global environmental progress.


While history will ultimately be the judge, the contrasting presidencies of Joe Biden and Donald Trump offer clear indications of how they will be remembered. Biden’s steady leadership, focus on recovery, and commitment to democratic principles position him as a potentially great president. In contrast, Trump’s divisive actions, undermining of democratic norms, and mishandling of critical issues may cement his legacy as one of the worst presidents in American history.

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