ROMNEYRecently, Willard Mitt Romney, Republican presidential candidate, gave Republican presidential candidate, Rick Santorum, some interesting advice when he said that, “misrepresenting the truth is not a good way” to boost one’s campaign, and candidates looking to gain ground should “use truth as one of the pillars of your strategy.”  Considering Romney’s consistent un-truths to boost his campaign, the advice to Santorum is astonishing yet most news pundits do not call Romney out for his myriad of lies.  Romney is known to be a card-carrying “flip flopper” exercising either a “flip” or a “flop” depending on whom he is trying to impress.  In my opinion, he has become the best lying presidential candidate ever and he continues to gain momentum.  Here are just 20 of his many, many whoppers:

  1. Romney said to Mississippi Republicans about President Obama, “He was going to cut the budget deficit in half. He’s doubled it.”  This has been one of Romney’s favorite lies and his Republican base just buys into this absurdity.  When President Obama took office, the deficit was about $1.3 trillion.  Last year, it was $1.29 trillion and will probably be about $1.1 trillion this year.  Doubling the deficit would have been $2.6 trillion.
  2. In a recent press release, Romney said that Obama plans to “end Medicare as we know it.”  Here is another example of Romney’s hypocrisy.  Obama’s health care legislation actually strengthens and protects Medicare, yet Romney endorses the new House Republican budget plan that ends Medicare and replaces it with a voucher system.
  3. In an interview with Fox News’ Megyn Kelly, Romney said, “I believe we should get rid of Obamacare.  It’s a disaster.  It’s going to cost a $trillion plus.”  Yet, the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) cuts the deficit by hundreds of billions of dollars according to the Congressional Budget Office.
  4. During a campaign stop in Iowa, Romney said, “[W]hen the president went around at the beginning of his term and apologized for America, it made us just heartsick.”  Another lie.  The President has never apologized for America and Romney knows it. Here is what the President said:“I’m enormously proud of my country and its role and history in the world,” Obama said right after the statement about Britain and Greece. Obama continued: “If you think of our current situation, the United States remains the largest economy in the world. We have unmatched military capability. And I think that we have a core set of values that are enshrined in our Constitution, in our body of law, in our democratic practices, in our belief in free speech and equality that, though imperfect, are exceptional. ”
  5. While campaigning in New Hampshire, Romney said that President Obama seeks “a European-style welfare state to redistribute wealth and create equal outcomes’ regardless of individual effort and success.”  This is what I would call a “bald face” lie.  Romney wants Americans to believe that the Obama White House wants everyone, regardless of effort or circumstances, to have the same amount of money.  The president has never given anyone reason to make such unfounded claims.
  6. During a campaign stop in New Hampshire, Romney said, “I know what it’s like to worry whether you’re gonna get fired. There were a couple of times I wondered whether I was going to get a pink slip.”  We all know this one is a big lie.  Romney has been wealthy all of his life and has never worried about getting a pink slip.
  7. After his New Hampshire primary win, Romney said that President Obama, “lost our AAA credit rating.”  We all know that it was congressional Republicans, especially the Tea Party who were responsible for the lowered credit rating during the Debt Ceiling negotiations.
  8. During one of the Republican debates, Romney told his audience why he didn’t seek re-election as governor: “That would be about me. I was trying’ to help get the state in best shape as I possibly could. Left the world of politics went back into business.”  Another bald-face lie.  Romney didn’t re-enter the private sector after leaving the governor’s office, he launched his presidential campaign.
  9. While campaigning in New Hampshire, Romney stated that, “European-style welfare” countries end up with a system that “creates poverty.”  When asked to support his statement, Romney not only lied but pretended that he never said it.
  10. Romney recently said, “We’ve got a president in office three years, and he does not have a jobs plan yet. I’ve got one out there already and I’m not even president, yet.”  Apparently Romney forgot about the address Obama delivered to a joint session of Congress where he presented a jobs plan.  It’s been scrutinized, analyzed, and subjected to CBO scoring.  Does Romney assume that people are stupid?
  11. Romney has said that he, “stood as a pro-life governor and that’s why the Massachusetts Pro-Life Family Association supported my record as governor, endorsed my record as governor.” Until he flipped, Romney was a pro-choice governor, and when he was endorsed by the Massachusetts Pro-Life Family Association, Romney forcefully rejected their support.
  12. Romney said, “We have $15 trillion of debt. We’re headed to a Greece- type collapse, and he adds another trillion [dollars] on top for Obamacare and for his stimulus plan that didn’t create private-sector jobs.”  People of reasonable intelligence know that our debt problem has absolutely no resemblance to Greece. The Affordable Care Act reduces the debt and the stimulus added millions of private sector jobs to the economy.  Where does Romney get this stuff?
  13. Asked about his investments in Freddie Mac, Romney told Fox News, “My investments, of course, are managed not by me. For the last 10 years they’ve been guided and managed by a trustee, they’re in a blind trust. And the trustee invested in mutual funds and so forth and apparently one of the funds had Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac bonds.”  Another lie.  As the Boston Globe originally reported: “And unlike most of Romney’s financial holdings, which are held in a blind trust that is overseen by a trustee and not known to Romney, this particular investment was among those that would have been known to Romney.” The Romney campaign has not disputed that report because it is public information.
  14. Romney also lied when he said, “I didn’t get involved in politics early in my life,” and didn’t get “politically involved” until after he ran the 2002 Olympics.  Yet, another lie.  Romney ran for the U.S. Senate in 1994 and spent $7 million of his own money.
  15. After receiving Donald Trump’s endorsement, on President Obama and the economy, Romney said, “He’s frequently telling us that he did not cause the recession, and that’s true. But he made it worse.”  Not only is the economy much stronger than it was, even Romney has said that the economy has improved since Obama took office.
  16. Romney told supporters in Las Vegas that the President told Americans, “to skip coming here for conventions and meetings.”  Not true.  What Obama said in reference to Wall Street recklessness, “You are not going to be able to give out these big bonuses until you pay taxpayers back.  You can’t get corporate jets.  You can’t go take a trip to Las Vegas or go down to the Super Bowl on the taxpayers’ dime.  There’s got to be some accountability and some responsibility.”
  17. Romney claims that, “President Obama is shrinking our military.”  Obama has increased defense spending three times in three years.  The Pentagon budget is poised to shrink, but Republicans have backed the cuts, and the reductions are to be expected after one war has ended and another scales back.
  18. Romney claimed that Syria is Iran’s “route to the sea.”  Actually, Iran has 1,520 miles of its own coastline and does not share a border with Syria as implied by Romney.
  19. On contraception access, Romney said that the Obama administration is “requiring the Catholic Church to provide for its employees and its various enterprises health care insurance that would include birth control, sterilization and the morning after pill.”  Another bald-face lie.  Churches are exempt.
  20. Romney said that President Obama “also promised he’d cut taxes for middle-income Americans.  Hasn’t done that, either.”  Romney must have forgotten that Obama cut taxes for the middle-class several times.  In fact, he recently signed the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012, which extends the payroll tax cut he passed for 2011 through the end of 2012, and lets middle-class families keep more of each paycheck in their pockets.  Overall, the average middle-class family pays lower taxes today than when President Obama took office.

MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell told his viewers, “[T]he political media have a problem. It’s a problem the press has always had and has never solved. When should they call a lie a lie? When a candidate like Mitt Romney, who lies much more than most candidates, says something that is utterly false, the press will say, it’s ‘not accurate.’ They might even use the word ‘false.’ They might use the word ‘untrue,’ but they will never, ever use the word ‘lie.’ And that is what lying politicians like Mitt Romney count on every time they try to get away with one of their ridiculous lies….In the silly rules of politics and political coverage, the word ‘lie’ just can’t seem to find its place.”

In his article in late January 2012, Columnist Jon Chait wrote that Romney appears to be “an audacious liar,” adding, “Even by the standards of politicians, Romney seems unusually prone to dishonesty.”  Newt Gingrich said recently that Mitt Romney “has a near pavlovian reflex of lapsing into falsehoods in order to rearrange reality to his liking.” That’s harsh for a fellow Republican, but absolutely true.

It is apparent that Willard Mitt Romney will say anything to become President and is obviously infected by “foot in mouth disease.”  He seems to distort or misrepresent the facts every time he opens his mouth and while many of us presume politicians will “stretch or embellish” the truth to suit their cause, Romney has made it a profession.  Once a liar, always a liar, and savvy Americans will never elect this liar to the White House, but that’s just my take.



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