In a bizarre attempt to rescue Rush Limbaugh who recently made those hateful verbal attacks on Georgetown Law Center Student, Sandra Fluke, O’Reilly, along with Fox News host Eric Bolling, has invented a new conspiracy theory that Ms. Fluke was actually a White House and Democratic plant.  O’Reilly bases his odd premise on the fact that Ms. Fluke is being represented by former White House communications director Anita Dunn’s Public Relations agency.

O’Reilly:As we reported last night (March 7, 2012), the (O’Reilly) Factor believes the Sandra Fluke contraception controversy was manufactured to divert attention away from the Obama administration’s disastrous decision to force Catholic non-profit organizations to provide insurance coverage for birth control and the morning after pill.”

O’Reilly: “Nancy Pelosi staged a mock hearing starring Sandra. After which Rush Limbaugh made derogatory comments elevating her to left-wing martyrdom. So it seems there is a powerful presence behind Sandra Fluke.”

Some in the radical right-wing component of the Republican Party applaud O’Reilly for coming up with such a “brilliant” theory attempting to prove that Limbaugh was “set up” by the Democratic Party.  Clearly Limbaugh had to be part of the conspiracy to make it work; otherwise, he would never have attacked Ms. Fluke which started the controversy in the first place.  Since Limbaugh willingly participated, he apparently considered loosing hundreds of sponsors on his radio program as mere “French fries” falling out of its box.  So let’s consider how the conspiracy theory probably came together to benefit President Obama as O’Reilly has observed through his prolific intelligence.

For the O’Reilly conspiracy theory to take root, the Obama administration had to know well in advance that Republican Darrell Issa, Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, would hold a hearing on February 16, 2012, about women’s reproductive health.  The Obama administration also had to know that Issa would only permit males to testify and refusing to tolerate any females proposed by Democrats to offer testimony.

Once the Obama administration obtained the Issa hearing plan through some kind of divine intervention, the administration apparently began to search diligently for a woman from the Georgetown Law Center who had a story to tell about a friend loosing an ovary because her insurance would not cover needed contraception medication.  As a result, Sandra Fluke was offered this delicate assignment.  In addition to agreeing to this unprecedented diabolical scheme, Ms. Fluke had to know that Issa would not let her testify and subsequently allow herself to be subjected to the appalling Limbaugh comments about her.  In addition, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi must also have known in advance that the Democrats would hold their own hearing since Ms. Fluke would not be permitted to share her story at the Issa hearing.

Based on the O’Reilly conspiracy theory, Ms. Fluke must also be a brilliant law student since she somehow invented a successful technique to pressure Issa in refusing to let her testify at the hearing so that she could trap Limbaugh into launching a verbal attack on her apparently using some kind of thought transference power.  After all, Ms. Fluke and Limbaugh didn’t know each other.  I don’t believe any of Limbaugh’s wives ever had this much power over him.  Way to go Ms. Fluke.

To further embellish his conspiracy theory, O’Reilly believes that there had to be some kind of collusion that existed between Ms. Fluke and the Obama White House since Ms. Fluke is now represented by the Public Relations firm of Anita Dunn, former White House Communications Director.  Even though Ms. Fluke’s PR relationship began only after the controversy started, that apparently didn’t matter to O’Reilly; why confuse the facts with his theory?  It is also interesting to note that Anita Dunn is not even involved in assisting Ms. Fluke.

O’Reilly continued his conspiracy theory that the Fluke controversy was “manufactured to divert attention away from the Obama administration’s disastrous decision to force Catholic non-profit organizations to provide insurance coverage for birth control and the morning-after pill.”  Of course, O’Reilly has yet to explain how the Obama Administration convinced Limbaugh to go on a 3-day negative rant about Ms. Flute.  O’Reilly also called it “very strange” that he was having trouble tracking down “just who is sending Sandra around to the media.”  O’Reilly also found it “very unusual” that Ms. Fluke would not respond to a telephone call inviting her on his show.  Her lack of response could have been characterized by the fact that O’Reilly implied that Ms. Fluke was a “slut” rather than calling her that outright.

Over the years, the radical right-wing element of the Republican Party including many of the Fox News commentators, have come up with a series of novel practices and fabricated rhetoric to blame democrats on everything from high employment to Limbaugh’s attempted defilement of Sandra Fluke.  To come up with such an asinine conspiracy theory, Bill O’Reilly is just plain stupid or he believes that the American people are, but that’s just my take.



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