Ever since the Supreme Court issued its landmark decision on Roe vs. Wade in 1973, there has been pandemonium within the pro-life community especially among conservative evangelicals. The political power of the pro-life movement has been so intense that federal, state and local governments have eliminated funding for Planned Parenthood even though 97% of its services are for women’s medical and educational services and none of the funds from government are used for abortions. Just this week, we learned that the Susan G. Komen for the Cure, the nation’s leading breast cancer charity, is ending its partnership with Planned Parenthood which means a cutoff of hundreds of thousands of dollars in grants primarily for breast exams. Planned Parenthood says the move results from Komen bowing to pressure from anti-abortion activists. However, Komen says the key reason is that Planned Parenthood is under investigation in Congress. This “so called investigation” is a probe launched by Representative Cliff Stearns, a Florida conservative Republican, who was urged to act by anti-abortion groups. Stearns sent a letter to Planned Parenthood announcing that his committee had started an “investigation” of Planned Parenthood. This “investigation” is apparently an effort to find something Stearns could use to discredit, damage, or destroy Planned Parenthood. Other than the letter from Stearns and Planned Parenthood’s response, there has been no further committee action to my knowledge.
The pro-life movement has become so radical that it has gone from peaceful demonstrations to violence, even murder of abortion providers. In fact, the South Dakota Republican state representatives are even considering a Bill to legalize the killing of abortion providers. Abortion foes have tried for many years to put Dr. George Tiller out of business, one of the few American physicians who performed late-term legal abortions. In 1986, Dr. Tillers’ clinic was bombed, in 1991, his clinic was blockaded for six weeks, and in 1993, he was shot in both arms. In March 2009, Kansas prosecutors tried him on charges of breaking an abortion law but he was acquitted. In May 2009, vandals cut wires to security cameras and made holes in the roof of Dr. Tiller’s clinic, a fortified single-story building where abortion foes kept daily vigils. But on May 31, 2009, Dr. George Tiller was shot to death by pro-lifer Scott Roeder while serving as an usher at his church. Roeder told the jury he was born again (Christian) in 1992 after watching an evangelical TV show, the 700 Club, “That day I knelt down and I did accept Christ as my savior.” Roeder went on to day that, “It is not man’s job to take life – it’s our Heavenly Father’s. It’s never up to man to take life, except in defense of self or others.” So here is a Christian that says it is not man’s job to take life yet he chose to take the life of an innocent person. Roeder’s appalling choice to murder Dr. Tiller landed him in prison for the rest of his life.
Many in the pro-life community claim that “life begins at conception” while pro-choice advocates claim that “life begins at birth.” Although persuasive arguments could be made concerning each claim, there does not appear to be any credible source to validate either claim. However, as a Christian, I decided to research what the Bible says about both claims and was inspired to look at the Book of Genesis, 2:7. This verse says, “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul.” Thus, according to Genesis 2:7, if life did not begin for Adam until after he took his first breath, how then can life begin before the first breath is taken? While the basis of Genesis could be used as a convincing argument that life begins at birth, the purpose of this article is not about when life commences but rather about “choice.”
Every Christian should embrace the fact that God has given each of us the freedom of choice. In fact, to become a Christian, one has to choose to accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior. Even though Roeder chose to become a Christian, he also chose to become a murderer. We become what we believe. Gingrich chose to become an adulterer because he believed in open marriage; Romney chose to become a Mormon because he believed in Mormonism even though Mormons are not “Christians;” and Bush chose to become a liar because he believed in taking out Saddam Hussein and occupying Iraq.
I believe that abortion is wrong except where the health or welfare of the mother may be at risk. I also believe that adultery, fornication, lying, murder and theft are also wrong, yet every day, people, even Mormons and Christians, choose to engage in similar behavior. For example, Romney chose to lie when he recently told a crowd in Florida that President Obama cut Medicare by 500 million dollars to pay for Obamacare; Gingrich chose to commit adultery with two previous wives; Rick Santorum chose to make a racist comment about African Americans when he recently said, “I don’t want to make black peoples’ lives better by giving them somebody else’s money;” and Ron Paul chose to make racial commentaries in newsletters he published in 1992. Gingrich, Santorum and Paul claim to be Christians although their Christian behavior is suspect at best.
God has given each of us the unconditional right to make choices. Some choose to become liars, murderers or hate-mongers, while others choose to become pious and honorable. If the evangelical pro-life community represents Christians as they claim, they should abide by the principles set forth in God’s Word and not attempt to inflict their choices on others. One day, each of us will stand before Almighty God and give an account of our choices that can very well determine how we will spend eternity. Will your choices be acceptable?
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