LIMBAUGHWithout any facts to sustain his position, during his first radio commentaries of 2012, Rush Limbaugh continued his series of racial assaults on President Obama.  During the week of January 9, 2012, Limbaugh claimed that the Obama family think they are “owed” a lavish lifestyle “because of what’s been done” to them and their “ancestors,” that President Obama’s “plan” is “payback” against the “white Europeans” who “illegitimately founded” the United States, and Limbaugh claimed that President Obama believes the United States was “immoral in its founding” in part due to slavery.  Naturally, Limbaugh ended his 2011 show with the following racially tinged comment:

From the Rush Limbaugh Show, December 9, 2011

LIMBAUGH: “Snerdley, what do you think the odds are that Obama got confused Hanukkah and Kwanzaa?  When was Kwanzaa invented? No, ’66.  I looked it up.  Kwanzaa was invented 1966. Close enough. It was invented by a guy named Ron Karenga. Yeah. Yeah. His name was Ron Karenga but he had an alias, Dr. Maulana Ron Karenga.  So he was a doctor. And he invented Kwanzaa, which is a seven-day feast, runs December 26 to January 1. In 1966 he branded it a black alternative to Christmas. The idea was to celebrate the end of what Ron Karenga considered the Christmas season exploitation of African Americans. Now, what was that? What was the Christmas season exploitation of African Americans? Was it all the black Santa Clauses that were out there in the department stores? What was it then? What was the exploitation of African Americans at Christmastime? According to the official Kwanzaa website, as opposed to the Hallmark Cards Kwanzaa site, the celebration was designed to foster conditions that would enhance the revolutionary social change for the — anyway it also has a candelabra. It was seven days, seven candles instead of eight for Hanukkah, and you light ’em all at once. So Obama had a menorah there and he lit ’em all. I’m sure he thought it was Kwanzaa while talking about loyalty to Israel.”

From the Rush Limbaugh Show, January 9, 2012

LIMBAUGH: “Now, I believe that in addition to whatever drives Obama and his party ideologically, also near the top of the list is the pursuit of money without having to work for it. Being able to pass it out to their friends and set their friends up to be wealthy for the rest of their lives. I think there’s all kinds of that going on, too. And I think if you look at the way the Obamas live, with Michelle and her separate vacations and not being concerned about how much it costs to take separate airplanes — there’s no question in my mind that they view this as — whatever else they view it as, as an opportunity to live high on the hog without having it cost them a dime. And they justify it by thinking, “Well, we deserve this, or we’re owed this because of what’s been done to us and our ancestors all these” — who knows? I think that’s — I think that’s part of it.

From the Rush Limbaugh Show, January 11, 2012

LIMBAUGH:  “Obama has a plan. Obama’s plan is based on his inherent belief that this country was immorally and illegitimately founded by a very small minority of white Europeans who screwed everybody else since the founding to get all the money and all the goodies, and it’s about time that the scales were made even. And that’s what’s going on here. And that’s why the president is lawless, and that’s why there is no prosecution of the Black Panthers for voter intimidation, because it’s not possible for a minority to intimidate the white majority. It’s not possible. It’s always been the other way around. This is just payback. This is “how does it feel” time. That’s how he seems himself, pure and simple. He doesn’t see himself as a capitalist reformer saving a stupid automobile company. He sees this is his opportunity to take it away from the people who founded it and give it to the people he thinks have a moral right to it because somehow they have been taken advantage of, used, exploited, paid unfairly, what have you. Yeah, it’s socialist. “

From the Rush Limbaugh Show, January 12, 2012

LIMBAUGH: “I think Obama — and Giuliani’s right: [Obama’s] an Alinskyite. He has been taught, he’s been raised, educated, whatever. He’s got a deep resentment for this country. You know me. I have told you. I’m willfully naïve, I guess. I can’t get my arms around the fact that there are people born in this country who hate it. I know they do, they can explain to me the differences in ideology and so forth, I just — I’m never going to intellectually or emotionally understand it, even though I can explain it, it still makes no sense to me. Yet I know those people exist and I know that they are the people that taught Obama. They are among those who educated him, both in his family and at the institutions of higher learning and academe that he attended. I know that he thinks this is an unjust country that it was immoral in its founding for reasons including but greater than slavery. He thinks it was economically unjust and immoral. He thinks a bunch of rich white guys — this one percent versus 99 percent stuff, that’s how he thinks the country was founded and that the one percent has maintained themselves in total control of all the wealth since the days of the founding and that they take purposeful steps to keep everybody out of that club. He believes it. He thinks the only remedy for it is to take everything the one percent has and give it away to everybody else. Now the ulterior motives to that are entrenching his own power. I don’t think there’s benevolence in this. I don’t think Obama runs around every day feeling genuinely sorry for the 99 percent. I don’t think he’s motivated by altruism. I think he’s motivated by anger. He’s got a chip on his shoulder, a number of them.”

Although protected by the First Amendment, it continues to astonish me why Limbaugh is still on the air after spewing years of racially provoked commentary based on stuff he just makes up.  If a minority American engaged in such despicable behavior, I believe that some in the white community would “pull out all of the stops” to get that person taken off the air.  I fully expect Limbaugh to provide more race-baiting rhetoric against President Obama during 2012, but that’s just my take.