According to recent polls, Newt Gingrich has become the frontrunner for the Republican nomination for President.  If Gingrich becomes the nominee, he will never become President since he lacks credibility, has no honor, establishment Republicans don’t like him, some Republicans would rather vote for Obama and he has more baggage than any other candidate.  However, the Democratic Party would be ecstatic if Gingrich is the nominee.

Gingrich was elected to the House of Representatives in 1978 and he quickly moved up the ranks within the House GOP caucus.  Democrats accused him of practicing “skinhead politics” and a 1989 Washington Post profile declared him “notorious” and “defiant.”  Gingrich’s political tactics worked as he led the Republican Party in their remarkable retaking of the House and became the speaker.  Gingrich did not last long in the post and his demise was marked by a government shutdown, the Republican Party’s “sex-and-lies” impeachment campaign against President Clinton, and several ethics controversies involving Gingrich; therefore, the GOP lost seats and their majority in the 1998 election.  Gingrich later resigned as speaker and left the House basically in disgrace.  He may have gotten distracted during this time as Speaker since he was having an extramarital affair with a congressional aide who eventually became his third wife.

Just prior to his election to the House in 1978, in an address to College Republicans, Gingrich said, “I think one of the great problems we have in the Republican Party is that we don’t encourage you to be nasty. We encourage you to be neat, obedient, and loyal and faithful and all those Boy Scout words.” He added, “Richard Nixon…Gerald Ford…They have done a terrible job, a pathetic job. In my lifetime, in my lifetime—I was born in 1943—we have not had a competent national Republican leader. Not ever.”  Gingrich became a “nasty” politician.

Republican candidates and other Republicans have already began launching attack ads against Gingrich showing how he worked with Hillary Clinton on health care issues and how he sat on a couch with Nancy Pelosi to highlight their joint support for climate change action.  After the 2008 election, Gingrich called for policymaking to unite Democrats, Republicans, and independents and he even blasted a candidate for GOP chairman who circulated a distortion song called “Barack the Magic Negro.” Still, Newt wasn’t able to escape the alarm bell of impassioned rhetoric. He repeatedly bashed the “secular left” for attempting to destroy the country and returned to his pathetic tactics of his past.

When Gingrich was far behind in the polls, the other Republican candidates basically ignored him.  That has changed and his liabilities are catching up with him.  We all know that Gingrich is best known for serving his wife with divorce papers while she was recovering from cancer surgery so he could marry his mistress whom he later divorced to marry a staffer.  Gingrich is the only House Speaker in American history to be disciplined by Congress for ethics violations.  In 1998, he paid a $300,000 fine after he was found to have been misusing his tax-exempt foundations for political gain.  Can you imagine having a President who committed ethics violations?

Gingrich was also responsible for shutting down the government in 1995 partly because President Clinton allegedly snubbed him by seating him in the rear of Air Force One on a flight home from Yitzhak Rabin’s funeral.  Gingrich also advocated that the children of welfare recipients should be taken away from their parents and raised in orphanages, he led the charge to impeach President  Clinton while lying about an adulterous affair with a staffer whom he eventually married, he insists that President Obama suffers from “a Kenyan anti-colonial mindset” like his Kenyan father even though Obama barely knew his father, he denounced Paul Ryan’s radical budget as “right-wing social engineering,” then flip-flopped and warned that “any ad which quotes what I said Sunday is a falsehood,” and he rallied against President Obama’s alleged “class warfare” as he ran up a $500,000 jewelry tab at Tiffany’s.

One of Gingrich’s most egregious statements was when he blamed the Susan Smith case (the South Carolina mother who murdered her young sons in 1994) on Democrats.  Prior to the 1994 election, Gingrich said: “I think that the mother killing the two children in South Carolina vividly reminds every American how sick the society is getting and how much we need to change things.  The only way you get change is to vote Republican.”   Gingrich defended his comments by stating that Democratic rule had frayed the moral fabric of the country: “We need very deep change if we’re going to turn this country around.” Asked directly if he was saying electing Republicans could stop killings like Smith’s, he said flatly: “Yes. In my judgment, there’s no question.”

Gingrich recently said that poor kids should work as janitors, commenting that they have “no habits of working” nor getting paid for their endeavors “unless it’s illegal.”  “Really poor children in really poor neighborhoods have no habits for working and have nobody around them who works. So they literally have no habit of showing up on Monday,” Gingrich told more than 500 employees inside the Nationwide Insurance lunchroom as reported by NBC News. Adding that he thought child labor laws to be “truly stupid,” he continued: “And let me get into the janitor thing. What if they became assistant janitors and their job was to mop the floor and clean the bathroom?”

Most Americans are a caring and compassionate people and would never elect anyone as President with the baggage that Gingrich carries.  He left Congress in disgrace after misusing foundation funds, he denies being a lobbyist after receiving at least 1.3 million dollars from Freddie Mac and Frannie Mae, he wants to get rid of US child labor laws, and he cheated on both of his wives.  Gingrich is unfit to serve in the highest office in the land, but that’s just my take.



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